the way to an otakus heart

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my day with satan had been incredibly fun, and it made the rest of the day pale in comparison. i mainly stayed in my room, looking at devilgram and watching movies by myself. 

beel didn't come to visit, and i assume mammon was to busy with something to come by. 

i fell asleep quickly, and my foot was in little pain at the end of the day. 

i woke up to familiar warmth all around me. it was so comfortable i nearly fell back to sleep, until i realized what was causing it. 

mammons arm was once again wrapped around my waist, my door was open just a bit and he was snoring loudly behind me. i felt embarrassed, curious, and a little happy. 

he looked peaceful layin beside me, and everytime i shifted to get a better look he frowned slightly and pulled me closer to him. pretty soon i was able to become face to face with him. 

i gently brushed my fingers over his cheek. his skin was softer than i imagined it to be. and when he looked this relaxed i couldn't help but find him so handsome. if i leaned in anymore... i could kiss him. 

my thumb ran over his lips and i found myself lean in slightly, we were inches apart from each other now. so close and yet so far away. 

"y/n, luci-"

mammons eyes snapped open. and i jumped almost a foot in the air by the deep voice behind us. 

"the hell are ya doin' beel!" mammon shouted. 

i felt my stomach dropped, but i hardly had time to react. i was being pulled out of bed quickly, and i soon found myself trapped in beels embrace. 

"i could ask you the same shit mammon, seriously what the fuck were you  doing with her?" beel hissed. 

the air of anger was surrounding him once more, and i felt like this would go very badly if i didn't step. 

"beel it-"

"not tryna fuck her unlike someone i know!"

beels eyes glowed and he sneered. it looked wrong on his face. he never looked angry or upset. he always looked slightly oblivious, or incredibly happy. never this angry. 

"s-stop it both of you!"

both boys looked at me, faces calming immediately. 

"who knows what he would've done to you. I'm just trying to make sure your alright!" beel reasoned. 

he looked truly upset by finding me this way, and it made my heart beat oddly. once again he looked like a kicked puppy. 

"listen, beel. i had a bad dream and mammon came to make sure it didn't happen again. he must've sensed it through the pact mark. he wasn-" i tried to lie to stop the madness. but it was to late

"pact mark!" 

oh here we go. 

beel looked like a mix of sad and angry. 

"but I'm the one who is protecting you, hes-"

"both of you shut up."

beel turned to look behind him and wilted slightly. 

leviathan stepped into my doorway, peeking over his phone slightly to look at the scene in front of him. 

"lucifer actually sent me to come get you y/n. i don't know why beel is here. there's a sale on a limited edition figurine and i want to go get it. beel, put her down shes not some princess you just saved. mammon and you can fight it out later." leviathan said. 

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