tricks and treats

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i slept well that night. and woke up early to a soft knocking on my room door. 

"I'm up!"

I sat up and rubbed at my eyes. it was still odd to be in this place when I still knew so little about it. but I ggeuss its kind of like a vacation for a year. 

i got up, got dressed, and opened my door. beel and Asmodeus were already outside, quietly talking about something. i wasn't sure what exactly, but it looked slightly tense. 

"uh, goodmorning." I said. 

the two smiled as if nothing happened. they were in the uniforms for school. beels looked a little ill fitting, slightly tight around his shoulders. while asmos obviously had been tailored to fit him perfectly. the two looked tired. 

"goodmorning little human." beel said quietly. 

"goodmorning beautiful y/n!, how about we get some breakfast this morning?" asmodeus asked. 

he hooked his arm around mine and began to immediately steer me away from his brother. my wrist was caught in a big, slightly rough hand. beel pulled me back, making me bump into his chest. he was very... firm, to say the least under his clothes. i tried not to think about it while the two began to argue. 

"and who said they would be coming with you?" beel asked. 

"well, I doubt they want to eat the food that lucifer cooked, I can take them somewhere better!"

"well don't you think you should ask me first?"

"do you control our lovely human?"

"no, but I'm her guard arent i?" 

"and you think you cant trust me to take care of her? I'm hurt beel! shes in the best hands when shes with me." asmodeus said. 

he smiled and tugged on my arm. 

"why don't you two let the human decide before you tear her in half?"

we all looked over to see satan leaning against the wall, arms folded. he didn't seem surprised at the arguing from the two. for being an avatar of wrath, he was surprisingly calm. 

the two boys were silent, seeming to size each other up. 

"why don't we all just go to breakfast?" I asked. 

the two continued their silent argument, glaring at each other. i pulled my limbs from them, not doubting that beel could tear me in half. 

i sighed, and walked towards satan, taking his wrist. 

"satan and I will be going to breakfast together then." I said. 


"I'm your guard!"

"you two clearly need to come to an agreement about sharing. I'm a human, not a toy. so, beel, I will see you at school." I decided. 

satan looked just as shocked as the other two as I pulled him behind me. when I turned my back however, he shot a smug look at the two brothers. i never knew he had planned on this happening. 

"where are you going?" satan asked. 

i paused for a moment and let go of his hand. i really had no idea what I was doing, it was so early in the morning I didnt have time to listen to the two boys argue and try to rip me in half. 

"dunno. lead the way." I replied, rubbing my eyes. 

my stomach growled audibly and satan suppressed a smile. 

tongue tied yandere!obeymexreaderWhere stories live. Discover now