some SFW headcannons

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hello readers. i figured we could all use a moment of SFW stuff because why not. so here are some sfw headcanons for our boys. don't forget to vote on your favorite chapters. and i do take requests for oneshots :)

anyways, remember to drink water, touch grass, and eat some good food. i know I'm eating some sour gummies as i type this, and i drank a lot of water. 


lucifer is def the strict mom of the family and there is no stopping him from being that way with you. 

taking away his yandere side. he is still kinda strict, and a little confusing to understand. he does that weird thing that parents do when they are like "man, i suggest you do your homework then videogames, but that's just a suggestion", but in reality its not a suggestion its his way of telling you something. 

he's very methodical, and before you came a long his days looked identical to each other. he likes you because you throw a little bit of spice into his day. he may seem calm and collected, but on the inside he is dying because of how adorable and cute you are. you make him truly smile. 

i think he would want you to either work with him, or stay at home. not in a weird way, but he liked knowing he is providing for you and making you comfortable. he wants you stress free! 

now, yandere side taken into consideration. 

he is a monopilizer and very careful with you. if you cough? he has a doctor there to check on you. you sneeze? boom, quarantine. he will be angry if you try and suggest a different course of action and will punish you without hesitation. however he isn't cruel, punishment always fits the crime. 

he will leave small gifts for you everyday, and when he is back from work he likes it if yous it on his lap, or if you don't want to cooperate, he will have you sit down on the floor, wirsts tied around his legs so it gives him the feeling of you hugging him. 

he loves it when you cook him food, or do chores without him asking you too. he will be ecstatic and will reward you richly. he's quite sweet as long as you don't make him mad. 


okay, taking out his yandere side

mammon is kinda dull and doesn't understand what he is saying. he is a blushing mess and will continue to screw up and say the wrong things the more he is around you. he will insult you but its a form of flirting, and if you stroke his ego he will fall in love. 

he likes it when you buy him gifts, and he likes to buy you gifts. he is the avatar of greed however and cannot stand someone else having whats his. even without his yandere side, he is still pretty yandere. 

he will monopolize you and he keeps a close eye on you. he might feel suffocating because he always looks like a kicked puppy if you refuse him, but will become excited the instant you dangle something shiny in front of him. 

he loves to play with your hair. he runs his fingers through it, he even learns to do hair so he can touch it. he brushes and helps you wash it. he thinks your hair is so beautiful. no matter what length, thickness or style you have it in, he loves it. 

when you get jealous he melts on the inside and immediately stops doing whatever made you jealous or doubt his loyalty. he hopes you'll do the same aswell. 

with his yandere side?

the big thing that will change is that he will kidnap you. or 'taking whats his' as he would say.

he will not let ANYONE near you. not a single person can taint his beautiful treasure. your all his, and no one can have you. he needs to occupy your everythought and everything you talk about. he will spend hours talking with you, even if you wont reply. he will praise you and touch you lightly. your a treasure meant to feel nothing but happiness! and that's what he's doing!

he really likes it when you hug him, or ask him to carry you around. wether its a piggyback ride, or carrying you like a sack of potatoes after a fight, he loves to carry you and know that he has you, no one else does. 


without his yandere side. 

beel is also a little bit on the slow side and does not recognize what he feels for you isn't platonic love. he will be deeply infatuated with you very quickly aswell. he will be like a big dog, and walking around with him does grant you scary dog privileges. 

he is a little too protective even when he isn't yandere. he knows how fragile a human is and he also loves the look in your eyes when he can save you from some bad situations.

he will frequently take you with him to the gym. while it helps distract from his hunger, seeing your slightly red face as you watch his glistening muscles work makes his heart flutter. he doesn't understand why, but he likes it quite a lot. he will do extra sets just to impress you, and if you ask to workout with him, he will be very careful with how much you do. he also enjoys watching you struggle a little bit and remark about how strong and big he is. it makes him glow with so much pride, Lucifer could be put to shame. and when i say glow, i mean it quite literally. he will write it off as being hungry, but he is actually incredibly happy.

while he doesn't realize the way he is acting is un-platonic, you will. he will say things that are very suspicious. he teases you about your height so much, but its his way of admiring you. when he gets a little tipsy he will latch onto you like a big baby and talk about how much he loves you AS A FRIEND (uh huh beel we all know you love us). if you were to date someone he wouldn't understand the feeling in his chest whenever your with them. he doesn't understand why it feels like something inside of him is trying to claw its way out. its an ugly feeling. and Levi will notice the spike of envy whenever beel watches you with your little friend. 

with his yandere side?

he will want to keep you more to himself, but doesn't mind sharing you with belphie. the two actually make a wonderful team in the yandere sense. 

but if belphie is not interested, beel will be happy to keep you to himself. 

he is very very hurt when you say you don't love him. and he will get angry and cry. he kind of reminds me of Midoriya as a yandere. but Beel is much rougher. he is delusional though. when he does get angry he could make satan blush with his wrath. however your the one who receives the brunt of it. he will hurt you, very badly. its not that he wants to or even realizes, but your weak and he is a massive piece of sexy man ( I'm getting off topic arent i?) anyways. sad to say but beel is very dangerous for you to be around when he is angry. 

now, because he is more protective than possessive, he will let you go out and see some people. only after your so deep in Stockholm you cant think right. he will keep you very close by, and only a certain amount of people can meet you. while he lets you see these people partially because he has deep  shame about treating you badly, he also likes how happy you look. 

because he has a hero complex, before he 'saves' you (beel we call that kidnapping) he will create very very dangerous situations just to save you from them. he will hire thugs to try and hurt you, just to arrive in the nick of time to save you. the way you hold onto him tightly, thanking him and how you become slowly more attached to him as you get attacked more an more, its addicting to him. he needs it, he wants it. he cant live without it. if you were to call him a superhero? oh boy, he would 'save' you right then and there. 

beel loves it when you touch his chest, shoulders, and biceps. not so much his stomach or back or legs. he likes the feeling of your soft and small hands running along his muscles to sooth him after a workout. he will normally take a shower, wrap a towel around his waist, and sit on the floor while you massage him. you'll be to terrified to refuse him, because he will get angry and hurt you if you refuse. he especially likes it when you touch his chest. and may i say this boy has some big ol' man tiddies (this is getting a little nsfw). if you spend particular time rubbing his chest he will take you wherever in the house you are. kitchen? he will bend you over a countertop, bedroom? your clothes are on the floor in a second. you get the point. he cant help himself you irrestible.

tongue tied yandere!obeymexreaderWhere stories live. Discover now