model business

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i didnt wakeup with lucifer. but i was still in the living room

the smell of breakfast cooking woke me up, human world bacon, dragons eggs, and waffles made my stomach rumble. 


a gentle hand on my shoulder made me shift, slowly peeling open my eyes to look at the person in front of me. 

"goodmorning kitty." 

satan slowly came into focus, wearing his usual mischevious smile. 

"five more minutes." i muttered before closing my eyes. 

he chuckled quietly and the couch dipped behind me. his body slid behind mine. i turned over to lay on his chest. he was sitting up with his legs out. 

"your quite snuggly." he murmured. 

i grunted in reply and began to slowly drift off. 

"you know, if you stay asleep beel is gonna eat your plate, literally." satan said. 

i opened my eyes and looked up to see beel holding a plate of food. his eyes were honed in on the steaming mass, nothing but hunger behind them. 

"here beel." satan said. 

beel reluctantly handed the plate off to satan, before patting my head gently. 

"goodmorning puppy." he said. 

"'morning beel."

he smiled and walked back into the kitchen, the other brothers were all conversing around the island in the kitchen while lucifer and asmodeus made the food. i saw beel sneak a pancake, to earn a whack on the head from asmodeus. 


my attention was brought back to satan, who held a fork up to my mouth with syrupy waffles. normally i would protest to being fed by someone else. but my stomach was so hungry i didnt care. 

"we have to make sure you eat plenty love, I've read a lot of books that say malnourishment hinders the human healing process. i wouldn't enjoy testing that theory with you." he said after a few bites. 

i picked up a strip of bacon and slowly ate it. lucifer made the best bacon out of the brothers. but i was starting to become curious as to what they were talking about. 

"whats wrong kitten?" satan asked. 

i turned back to him. "i just wanted to know what the others might be talking about." 


he turned his head as i picked up another strip of bacon. 

"ah, it looked like asmodeus had a post that didnt do so well, he's trying to come up with ideas for a post that would bring in more views." satan said after a moment. 

"heh, how do you know?" i asked. 

he smiled a little wider and offered another bite of the waffles. 

"i learned to read lips." he replied. 

i raised an eyebrow as i chewed through the waffle. it was a little surprising that someone who could hear would read lips. 


he shrugged his shoulders. 

"its useful for watching certain people from afar, so you can find things out." he said. 

that someone was no doubt lucifer. i took another bite and turned back to the brothers. 

"your trying to do it to arent you?" satan asked. 

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