dine with the devil

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lucifer guided me down the hallway in front of the steps. he didn't mention anything about belphie, although he did look slightly flustered now. 

"y/n, i-"

"look nothing was going okay! i swear, belphie was being all weird and upset cause i went up the steps on my own, then he started talking about locking me in the closet and something about falling down the steps and-"

"i don't care."

lucifer cut me off with three simple words. i didn't know what i expected him to say, but now he just looked tired. 


"what i mean is, what happens between each of my brothers and you is between you guys. i simply wanted to ask you to dinner tonight. as my own apology." lucifer said. 

"why do you need to apologize?" i asked. 

"for not getting to you before satan could slice open your foot of course. i would also like to speak about your schooling with that injury and what that will entail." lucifer said. 


the way he said it made it seem bad, like there was something wrong. i wasn't being kicked out of the program was i? i mean, something like an injury wouldn't disqualify me right?

"i have reservations, please be ready in an hour." he said.

he turned around and began to walk down the steps before stopping and turning around. there was a small smile on his face. 

"you cant walk down these can you?" he asked. 

i smiled back and shook my head. he sighed and walked back to me lifting me up as my chair began to float behind him. 

"i must say, i do see why m brothers are so taken with you." lucifer said. 

my heart did a spin. 

"w-what?" i asked. 

he glanced down at me, a teasing smile on his face. 

"your quite the beautiful little human you know? I've been alive for quite some time and even i must admit that I'm sometimes surprised by your beauty." he replied. 

my face grew warm and i looked away. 

"your very confident in what you do aswell. i must admit that if it wasn't my duty to supervise you, i might-"

"there ya' are!"

a familiar yell interrupted whatever lucifer had planned on telling me. i looked down the stairs to see mammon standing at the bottom, a look of irritation on his face. 

"what are ya' holdin' her for lucifer? i can help her just fine!" he pouted. 

when lucifer got to the bottom he made sure i got into my wheelchair before turning around. 

"was i supposed to wait around for you to come find us?" lucifer asked. 

mammon went slightly red, but he still looked annoyed. 

he took hold of my chair and began to wheel it down the hall himself, muttering a string of insults as he went. i couldn't help but laugh as i caught his eye.

"ill see you later y/n." lucifer said. 

i waved back to him only to have my hand knocked away. 

"well hello to you to mammon." i said. 

he huffed quietly and opened my door. i pushed myself inside and turned to face him. 

"what were ya' doin' with him hm? why was he holdin' ya? i told ya to get me when ya need somethin'." mammon said. 

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