lucifer AKA mom

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my braain was completely fogged up. 

why were people yelling so much? its annoying. its so early in the morning. 

i turned around in my bed, pulled the blankets closer to myself and sighed. who even was yelling? i don't recognize that voice. 


"i forgot she was here brother I'm sorry."


"she will, its a sleeping draft meant for humans."

i peeled open my eyes. a killer headache was forming in my temples. i didn't know if it was from the yelling or dehydration either way my mouth was incredibly dry right now. and i needed those two assholes to shut the hell up. 

"honestly satan never in my life have i been so.. so... PISSED!"


that's when it hit me. satan had given me some type of sleeping potion in my tea. he had been trying to pull a prank on lucifer or something. how long have i been asleep? that must be lucifer and satan screaming bloody murder at each other right now. 

i hopped out of bed, draggin the blanket with me. i opened the door to find Beel, Mammon, Satan and Lucifer circled together. satan looked indifferent to the yelling, beel looked quietly annoyed and mammon looked scared. 

"lucifer I'm fine!"

a wave of dizziness came over me and my vision went black for a second. i slumped onto something warm and peeled my eyes back open. i was leaning against lucifers shoulder. 

"your not fine."

he looked at me coldly, then turned to his brothers. 

"mammon, beel, your both in charge of taking our human to Solomon to have her looked over. i don't trust that satan gave her the proper draft. i will handle satan."

his last words were menacnig, they made me scared even though i wasn't the one he was mad at. however, satan didn't look scared, in fact he looked entertained. i could tell he was barely holding back a smile. the way his eyes sparkled gave it all away. 

"lets go little human." beel said. 

"I've got her!"

i was pulled away from lucifer and held tightly in mammons arms. my body was still so heavy from the sleeping draft. i needed more sleep. 

"maybe we should take her to belphie. couldn't he null the effects of the draft?" beel asked lucifer. 

"the draft yes, but humans are weak creatures. its the damage to her body I'm worried about." lucifer said. 

wow, he acts like an overbearing angry mother. 

mammon and beel nodded and walked out, as we were going down the hall i heard a soft rumbling sound. 

"are they gonna be alright?" i asked. 

mammon glanced down at me and clicked his tongue. 

"of course. the two get into it like this almost every day. this is normal." he said. 

"that's... dysfunctional." i muttered. 

"they've always been a little bit like that. so its fine." beel muttered. 

that wasn't necessarily true but i stayed quiet. i was exhausted. whatever satan had given me was strong and still having a great effect on me .

"aye, try and stay awake human. you could not wake up if he gave ya to much." mammon said. 

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