stalkers are the new security

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small note before we begin, please dont forget to vote up the story. i spend a lot of time coming up with ideas and stuff and its nice to see that people enjoy my stuff. it also makes me want to write more. i also do smut recquests and headcannon recquests, I'm running out of HC ideas so please drop some in the comments. i also have a second yandere story out. its called family ties. I really love the cover art for that one tbh, im pretty good if i do say so myself. anyways, please don't forget to vote and follow if you enjoy these stories.

Of course i knew that this was all wrong. It doesnt take a genius to know that much. But i needed to know more about what she liked, just so i could have conversations with her.

I never expected to have anything in common with a human, hell i didnt want to have anything in common with one. But the way she defended me in the shop fel like something out of an otome game.

So this was just something to help myself out. She wouldnt mind if she found out. Or maybe she would. Im not sure, i dont even think i care. I just needed to be near or around her. And this was the closest i could get without getting nervous.

I opened up Devilgram and logged out of my account. I was never on there anyways, lucifer told me to make an account just so i could be a part of the student council meetings.

I looked at the paper, and entered in the new password and usernames. I dont know how much y/n uses her social media, but i know she is always scrolling through it during mealtimes.

The loading screen came up and my anxiety built. I looked behind my shoulder to make sure no one was watching me, it felt like someone was staring daggers into my back.

When the page finally refreshed i was taken to her homepage. I slipped the paper full of passwords back into the stack and turned to leave.

I was staring down at my phone, immediately going to her direct messages. But i bumped the side of the table hard.

I clenched my jaw to stop myself from crying out, if lucifer found out i was in his room hed have my head on a pike for breakfast. Papers rained down, a few that i hadnt seen before. They looked like polaroids.

I began to reorganize the papers, frantically grabbing and stacking them on top of eachother. His desk was already a mess i doubt he would notice these were moved.

One of the polaroids flipped, and to my surprised i recognized the person inside of them.

It was y/n. She seemed to be up in the human world. There were two girls with her, and they were laughing. From the look of it this was taken while she was at school.

I flipped over another photo and found her in her room. The golden light filtering in reminded me of sunrise on the upper world. She wore only a tshirt and no pants. How did he get these?

He always told us when he went to the human world. But there were hundreds of photographs. And they were all of her. Some of them were her with other people, some of them were her by herself.

Either way i knew what this meant. He had done the same thing i was doing. So does that mean he feels he same way for her as i do? Does he think about her night and day, does he hate when other people are around her?

From outside in the hallway i could hear movement.

I quickly placed the photos under stack of papers and went to the door.

"-will she back from her lil' date with lucifer? I wanna spend some time with her to!"

Mammons complaints could be heard all the way in lucifers room. He was always so loud.

I waited until his voice faded and walked out of the room, speed walking straight to my room and shutting the door quickly.

So it was official now, all of us obviously like y/n.

I sighed and went to my tub, climbed in and wrapped my blankets around me. It was like a harem game. I geuss you could say we were all fighting for her love and affection.

But then again i didnt mind losing ot one of the others, but it was anyone outside of us that i hated. I knew they wouldnt treat her right if they had her, after all, no one can protect her as good as we can. Everyone is to weak. And shes so lovely.

I sighed and turned back to my phone.

She had some messages that she hadnt opened before.

I took the liberty of looking through them, just to make sure there werent any creeps who were trying to hurt her.

It seemed like it was mainly just us, asmodeus texted her about skincare a lot. Beel had messaged her about school a few times, lucifer had sent her a link to a homeowrk page, and belphie had asked if y/n was home or not.

I clicked off of her direct message and went to her homepage. There were a lot of pictures of food and some anime. It was all stuff i had seen before, i wouldnt be an otaku without having seen all of the anime she likes.

I sighed and scrolled around her likes, then went to her for you page and read some of those posts. There were so many shit posting memes and cursed images, it kind of reminded me of my own for you page.

I was about to log off when my phone buzzed with a new notification. I went to y/ns message box and looked for the new message. My heart dropped when i saw the sender. It was solomon.

"Have you thought about what we spoke about before?" he asked.

What they spoke about before? When? I know y/n hadnt seen solomon since after the incident that belphhie and asmo interrupted.

But what if they had? Was he trying to convince her to move to the purgatory hall with him and simeon and luke? Was he trying to get her to leave and turn on us? What type of lies had he told her about?

I need to get ride of him if im going to help keep y/n safe. If she somehow manages to beileive his lies then we would lose her. And then she could get seriously hurt by someone or something. I chewed on my lip as i debated what to do. I could always block him from her account, but then again she would know that someone had been in her account. For now i should just wait and see what she says, shes with lucifer afterall. I still need to talk to him about what i saw in his room. Maybe i could use it as blackmail? No, then he would tell y/n i hacked her account.

I logged out of the account and back into my own. There were so many decisions i could make right now. But i was mainly worried about solomon. I need to talk to beel about him, he would know exactly what to do about all of this. And he would be able to take care of it better than i could.

Its not like he could get upset with me being in her account. Ive seen him snooping around her drawers at night. Especially now that she sleeps onthe bottom floor. Hes always in there doing something. I dont even want to think of what it could possibly be.

I know that belphie has been tailing her everywhere, i think satan is the only one who hasnt been doing anything odd. Mammons got a whoe box of her things in his room.

I had a busy day tomorrow though, what with school and all. I hope y/n doesnt have to go back. Mayube i can create an issue that keeps her here for a little while longer. Or convince lucifer to do something about it.

I pulled the covers tighter around me, imagining that y/n was next to me, her head buried in my chest while i held her. It made me happy, and soon i was getting better sleep than any i had ever had. 

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