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simeon entered the room within twenty minutes of asmodeus leaving. 

worry was written all over his delicate features, and he rushed to my side. 

"how did this happen y/n?" he mumbled. 

"uh, long story." i replied. 

a sweep of his hand disintegrated Asmos pink shield, and stinging pain began to flood my body once more. 


i twitched when his hands lightly skimmed the surface of my stomach. his eyebrows creased a light blue film spread over my stomach. it moved out from his fingertips and slowly stretched over my skin. 

"i have time. its important diavolo know about these things." simeon said. 

"lucifer already told him i think. ugh, basically mammon got upset because beel and i had... relations, last night."

the angels eyebrows rose a bit and i could see a smile tug at the edge of his mouth. 

"don't laugh!" i protested. 

"i can see how that might enrage someone. but he attacked you over it?" simeon asked. 

he pulled a chair to sit beside me, his blue eyes faintly glowing as he concentrated on channeling more power into the healing barrier. 

"no... he meant to hit beel." i said. 

"did he now?" simeon muttered. 

"don't say it like that!" i said. 

simeon glanced at me. 

"like how? like im concerned for a small humans safety? like i care if you are harmed severely? angels are protectors of the humans. finding out you have been attacked by a demon who was supposed to be protecting you doesn't sit well with me." simeon said. 

"he didn't mean to hit me, his aim is bad!" i said. 

"had he found out from you, while the two of you were alone, do you think he would've acted more peacefully?" simeon objected. 

he was calm, and restrained with his tone, but i could see in his eyes how worried he was. 

"i... i don't think-"

"did he apologize right after doing this?" simeon asked. 

"no but beel got upset an-"

"did he fight with beel or try to console you. if he truly cared wouldn't he have tried to calm his brother and help you instead? from the sound of everything, and what i heard from asmo it seems as if he was so overcome with anger he didn't care who he hit." simeon said. 

i clenched my jaw, not from pain, but because i didn't have a good comeback. simeon was right, it wasn't okay for this to happen over something like beel and i being together. 

"if mammon really cared he wouldn't have tried to hurt you, he would encourage you to be happy. your not an object they own, your a person with feelings." simeon added quietly. 

"h-he just... he didn't mean to . not everyone makes the right choices." i said. 

it was a weak argument, and simeon didn't even btoher dismantling it. i knew mammon really didn't want to hurt me. the way asmodeus explained it, it made sense that hed be upset. of course i know it wasn't alright for him to lash out violently towards beel or me. 

"so then?"

simeon left the question unfinished. 

"then what?"

tongue tied yandere!obeymexreaderWhere stories live. Discover now