fashion statement

646 13 7

have yall gone on obey me yet? i dunno if the devs are just that generous or its my lucky day but i got 2 UR cards in the free 10 pulls i got this morning. i normally only get SSR cards so whaaaaat. 

anyways, i took a shit ton of coffee and some ADHD medicine, so i plan on cranking out chapter after chapter today. 

have you guys started playing tears of themis? you have to its so much fun. Vyn is so sexy and hot and i love him so much. he gets so jealous so fast and he's kinda arrogant but in a subtle way, so many people don't like him but he could spit in my mouth and i would thank him so.... 

anyways, i love him, and then of course i need to read on marius and Artem so that i can actually write their characters properly, i do think that i am not wiritng luke because i don't really like him right now. he's to much of an innocent dude for me smh. anyways, enjoy the chapters today

the brothers were quick to get to work, and i was left a little lost. 

once all the posts were made and updated, the dishes were washed and put away and the kitchen cleaned, asmodeus took me to get my measurements taken. he led me upstairs, along with a few of the other boys and took me to his room. 

"now, it may be uncomfortable for just a moment, but bear with me darling. ill have you looking beautiful in just a few moments." asmodeus assured. 

he placed a gentle hand on my back and led me into the middle of his room. the smell of roses and flowers was strong, and there were various piles of clothes all over the room. 

"its a little messy, but just bare with me." he said sheepishly. 

beelzebub took a seat on hi splush bed, levi produced a sewing kit and a few pins out of nowhere. 

"just get a yellow pad of paper and i can do these asmo." levi said. 

"are you sure?"

"mhm, i take measurements a lot before i sew, i can get the proper ones quicker than you." levi said. 

he pulled me towards him. i wasnt sure what to do, beel was watching us silently, and asmodeus was searching for a pad of paper. 

"are you guys excited?" i asked. 

there was a small pause before beel nodded. 

"yeah, i haven't done a photoshoot in a minute." beel said. 


"yeah. i normally take all my own photos. and i never really share them." beel said. 

it was slightly surprising to hear that, i would've thought he would share his photos like crazy. his body was so nice it was hard to beielivive. 

"i never do them." levi replied. 

"well don't you do cosplays?" i asked. 

he shrugged his shoulders and crouched on the ground. a few pins stuck out from his mouth so he was forced to speak from one side. 

"a little bit but not much. i mainly keep the pics." he replied. 

"mammon and asmodeus are the ones who do the most modeling." beel said. 

"found it!" 

asmodeus popped out from his closet, triumphantly holding a piece of yellow lined paper. 

levi nodded and brought out a tape measure. he stood up to his full height drew up close to me. he was still much taller than me, so he hunched down a little to properly see the numbers n the tape measure. 

tongue tied yandere!obeymexreaderWhere stories live. Discover now