who let the dogs out?

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why in the world, does school start so goddamn early. 

we were in a history class right now, me and beel sat side by side. of course i was enduring the stares and whispers of other demons, but i honestly didn't care. i was so fucking tired. 

i fell asleep quickly the night before. after the fiasco at the restaurant, i was left exhausted. and beel seemed to wake me up five minutes after i had rested my head on my pillow. i know that wasn't the case, but it still felt like it was. 

i rubbed my eyes and stared down at the notes that i had taken. i had done well with keeping up, but it still didn't help that i was coming in right in the middle of a new unit. 

(i don't go to a traditional school so if this is different from your school its because i go to a montessori school)

right now the juniors were learning about the rebellion of demons during the steel age. I'm not sure what age that is to humans, but i didn't really care. i was getting distracted by the other lessons the younger kids were learning, the celestial war. i always wanted to know about it, and now i was even more curious after hearing each of the brothers names being mentioned. 

of course ei knew i could just ask the brothers about it, but it was still interesting to hear whats written about them. evidently beel was a monstrous soldier. while he was the youngest, he was incredibly powerful nd was typically on the front lines with satan and lucifer. 

i had to pull my attention back to the board in front of me, i had skipped about six different slides in my moment of distraction. 

i sighed quietly and put down my pencil, looking over at beel. 

he was writing quickly and quietly, glancing every so often up at the board. he didn't seem to be tired at all, even though i t was practically two in the morning. 

i nearly sobbed with joy once the bell sounded from the loud speaker, and one of the nice things about these schools is that the bell actually does dismiss us, not the teacher. 

i began to pack up my things immediately. 

"hey beel?" i asked. 

he looked down at me as we both placed books in our bags. 


"how much longer do we have here?" i asked. 

"well, the next class is a big one, its potions. but its also really fun. we have it with all the brothers beside lucifer, levi and satan." beel said. 

so asmo, belphie, beel, and mammon. how fun. 

"alright, and after that it lunch right?" is sked. 

he shook his head and i wanted to scream. i was practically falling asleep already. 

"no, we have basic skills classes after that." he said. 

we walked out of the door, book bags on our backs. beel had an odd habit of pulling me closer as we walked. he would wrap and arm around my shoulders, or pull me closer by the hip. grantedif he didn't, i would've gotten lost in the massive crowd of students. 

"whats that?" i asked. 

"math, science, human world things." beel replied. 

he steered me towards the next room as i despaired. i hated math, i was so bad at it. normally i would use my laptop to cheat, but it doesn't look like they have those here. so i would have to find a way to sneak my phone out. granted, if lucifer found out about that i doubt he would be happy. 

we walked down two flightlys of stairs, during that time i nearly got pushed over several times, wether it was on my purpose or not i had no idea. 

tongue tied yandere!obeymexreaderWhere stories live. Discover now