we all fall down

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first off i have an announcement...


JK, i cant have children because of PCOS and chemotherapy. however, my newest child and addition to the yandere family is False tears, Vyn from ToT as a yandere eoooow

also, have yall read the false tears card?

had me at the edge of my SEAT. he's so sexy even tho he's manipulative. but i don't care, i love him anyways. 

go check it out, the first chapter is out and ready to be read. eooooow

i woke up in the warmth and safety of belphegore and satans arms. 

the two were holding me tightly, surprisingly good at sharing me equally between each other. it didn't take long after i woke up for satan to join me, his green eyes slowly opening and peeking down at me. 

"oh, goodmorning my kitten." he mumbled quietly. a small smile bloomed over his face when he leaned down and kissed me gently. it was such a tender and sweet kiss, nothing like the hard and rough kisses from last night. 

my body was aching though, every muscle was incredibly sore and stiff. 

"how long have you been awake?" he asked. 

"not long, maybe five minutes." i whispered. 

he nodded, and trailed his fingers down my cheeks. 

"did you have fun last night?" he asked. 

his eyes were intense, searching mine for a fulfilling answer. 

"of course. i think its quite obvious since i was practically screaming." i said. 

his cheeks dimpled with a smile, and he kissed me gently once more. 

"ngh, don't steal all the love satan." belphie groaned from behind me. 

i giggled slightly and felt his lips press to my neck. 

"how did you sleep my love?" he asked. 

"very good, thank you." 

"hmmm, i noticed you tried to fight off your sleep last night, why was that?" he asked. 

i sighed. "i wanted to stay up with you a little longer."

"why? weren't you tired?" 

"i was, but staying up with you two would've been amazing." i said. 

their hold on me tightened, as if to hug me warmly. 

i nuzzled closer to satan, which earned a sad groan from belphie. 

"hey, you gotta pay attention to me to." he whined. 

"well im facing him right now so-"

the attic door opened very suddenly. 

"belphegore? satan? lucifer needs you both."

i jumped and looked towards the door, mammon had barely spared me a glance, there was a slightly pale look on his face, like something had gone wrong. 

i sat up slightly. 

"mammon, whats wrong?" i asked. 

"simeon said he needed to call an emergency meeting, something is wrong in the celestial realm." mammon explained. 

both boys sprang quickly to their feet. 

"is everyone leaving?" i asked. 

there was an oddly serious look on all their faces, but mammon shook his head. 

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