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my heart dropped when i looked at the photo in my hands. 

why would lucifer have this? it was taken in April, months before the exchange program should've started. he told me i was selected randomly, but if that was true how would he have this photo. 

i was laying in bed, a gloved hand was visible in the background as if reaching out to touch me. my hair was swept away from my face, i wore no pants, only a night shirt and underwear. 

the longer i looked at the photo the more confused and horrified i became. there was no rational explanation for this all. why was it here?

luke took it and tilted the photo towards him. my hands were starting to shake. 

was it only Lucifer? were any of the other brothers involved? they wouldn't be right?

but i remembered simeons warning. he had told me demons had a difficult time with love. did i meet lucifer before the exchange program and never realize it?

"y/n w-"


the lightly commanding voice of lucifer rang over the room. my muscles tightened and i felt the blood drain from my face. they were supposed to be gone for a long time. why was he here?

i couldn't let him know i had found out about the photo. Lukes eyes flickered to mine, and it was like we shared a link. 

'i don't know whats going on, but help me'


his face became a slight smile, it was insane how easily he shifted from scared and confused. 

"the emergency kit is in here, and the ratios i added the to pastries were all wrong. the kitsune tea-"

"lucifer! lucifer where is she!"

a loud yell from down the hall alerted me to beels consciousness. 

luke whinced slightly. 

"my love, come over here please." lucifer said softly. 

i turned and noticed him smiling. his eyes were odd though, cold and vacant of emotion as they stared through me and at luke. i didn't know what to do. 

"beel, shes right here." lucifer called. 

i stood up, trying to stuff the picture into my pocket without it being noticed, however Lucifers observant eyes flicked to my hand. 

"what do you have my love?" he asked. 

i faked a smile, immediately running to his arms and hugging him tightly. it felt odd, it felt gross. i wanted to know about the photo, but i feel like it would only confirm what i knew. lucifer had been watching me for a while, no, not watching me. 

i shuddered slightly and tuned out the thought. 

"its a surprise Luke was helping me make for all of you, id prefer if it to remain a surprise just until its fully ready." i said. 

he hugged me, and i could feel his hand creeping to my pocket. i pulled away and pretended like i hadn't felt anything. but when his hands gently touched my cheeks i wanted to pull away from him, i was disgusted. 

this whole time he must've lied to me. how fucking crazy is he?

luke already knew i wanted his help now. i wasn't sure how many of the brothers knew or if any of them knew. but i wasn't comfortable anymore. lucifer had stalked me for god knows how long and now he was dating me. 

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