odd behaviors

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my time with levi was fun, but it was also very short. and by the time i got home it was still early in the day. i wanted to look for lucifer, ask him about what i should do for school with my foot this way. maybe he would let me do homeschooling with Levi?

i first stopped by the living room, and inside was asmodeus. 


"oh hello sweetheart!"

he immediately stood up and embraced me tightly in my wheelchair. 

"hows your day been?" i asked. 

he gave me another charming smile. 

"very good now that your here darling. hwo was your day with levi?" he asked. 

i noticed he was much closer than normal, and he was always extremely close to me. his hand rested on my leg, his eyes were wide and stared deeply into mine. it was a little much for such a casual conversation. it made me blush. 

"it was good, we got a figurine to one of my favorite anime actually." i said. 

he nodded with a smile. it was a little unnerving. 

"did he treat you nicely? i know he can be so obnoxious normally, so i just want to make sure he didn't completely bore you to death with his silly anime talk." asmodeus said. 

"no, it was actually pretty fun. he's a little hard to get to open up but when he does he's really nice." i said. 

asmodeus drew a little closer, his hand left my knee and he reached out and touched my hair. 

"you know, we should go to the spa again tonight y/n. your skin was absolutely glowing afterwards and i couldn't help but have so much fun with you last time. would pretty please go with me?" he asked with a slight pout. 

i chuckled a little bit. 

"i had a lot of fun to asmodeus, i dunno about tonight though lemme talk to lucifer first." i said. 

asmodeus sighed, frowning only slightly. 

"well then, i should send you on your way then. please text me if you need anything darling." 

before i could reply he pressed a warm kiss to my lips, pulled away quickly and waved goodbye. i was left surprised, with my lips tingling and face red. i cant believe he would od that! 

i geuss to him a kiss means nothing, but to me it means a lot! 

i was stuck in a daze for a few moments, forgetting exactly what i was supposed to be doing here. 

lucifer wasn't in the living room, or the kitchen. i didn't really know where his room was, but i had an idea of someone who might. 

i wheeled out of the living room and down the hall, taking a left towards the library. if satan wasn't there then i would try and go find mammon. 

i opened the door, stuck my foot out to stop it from closing, and wheeled inside. it was a complete mess, as usual, but satan was sitting in the chair i had first seen him in- reading a book. 


he jumped, slamming the book shut and turning to me with an angry expression. 

"ma- oh, y/n. i thought you were someone else!" he said. 

i noticed his face become slightly red as he turned back around. i wheeled so i could face him, and saw an embarrassed look on his face. 

"were you hoping for someone else?" i teased. 

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