yandere headcannons

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hold up? a a FOURTH chapter!!!!! whaaaaaaaat. from me???? must be Christmas. eoooooow. anyways this one might not have all the brothers in it. but i know the story is not very yandere since its just in the early stages. trust me once shit hits the fan it gets real fucked up really quickly. 

this is a headcannon on what they do if you escape. i wanted to I've you thirsty yandere loving kids some content to keep you satiated. 

oh yeah just a reminder, i don't edit these so if there are errors and stuff its cause my auto correct didn't catch it and I'm waiting until the very end to fix everything. i hate editing so eooooow. plus i type fast so i mess up on words orforget words completely so xoxoxo gossip girl. 


first off, the poor boy is in absolute shambles without his little human. he took such good care of you all the time how could you leave him????

he's delusional. so he thinks you ran away because you feel unloved. which means when he catches you he will either do two thins. 

punish you. while he is delusional he will also be angry. he took such good care of you why the FUCK did you leave him? your ungrateful!!! he needs to teach you how cruel he could really be, and that means he has to do some terrible things. 

he will sangwoo your legs, but it wont be done with a bat or anything. no he will break your bones with his bare hands. because he is just that strong. and in that moment he wants to feel them snap, he is so angry with you. 

but how does he catch you???

he will have canvassed the entire forest, and being as fit and in shape as he is, he runs fast as hell and runs for a long time. his sense of smell is also superior, and the smell of your blood is a scent he could never ever forget. your his favorite thing, his favorite human to hold and cuddle. 

and he is doing all of this because he loves you. 

your malnourished, he normally eats your food before you can, and you don't move to much anyways. you don't get very far before you pass out from exhaustion. 

the second reaction he can have is a slightly better one. 

he will find you crumpled on the ground, and immediately fear will fill his whole body. a fear he never wanted to have, a fear that makes him sick. he wasn't protective enough. he couldn't keep you safe! he is the reason your hurt, he needs to be better. this is just like lilith. he let her die. now he let the women he loved die. 

he will scoop you up, make sure your still alive and run you back to the house. 

he will tie your feet to the bed and immediately cuddle you. he presses soft kisses to your face, he was so scared he almost lost his human. but now your back with him, and he will be so kind and gentle with you. he knows he can be mean. and that must be why your so scared of him. he knows he needs to do better. 

you don't get far from him, and it can either go horribly wrong, or slightly less wrong. there's really no good option in this situation for you. either way it wont be anymore than three hours until your back with him.

"y-y/n? why would you run from me? your so weak bunny, don't you know how many people will hurt you. I'm only here to keep you safe, so please, no more struggling. don't cry either, please please bunny you know how much it hurts me. ill make you feel safe okay? your so small i cant let you out anymore. if something happened to you, i wouldn't forgive myself. so your going to stay here from now on. with me. safe and sound."


at first he wouldn't be able to believe it. how could you leave? how could you abandon him??? don't you know that he owns you? did he not tell you enough? did he not carve his name into your skin enough times? 

tongue tied yandere!obeymexreaderWhere stories live. Discover now