*insert cool title*

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"Levi? Belphie?" i called. 

the others were at school and Asmodeus had dropped me back at the house. he had some modeling work to do and didn't seem to happy about it. 

i had gone to my room, dropped off my stuff and changed clothes. i was sweaty from the hot spring and i doubt any of the boys would appreciate me smelling. 

now i wore a different shirt and pair of shorts. 

i was roaming around the top floor, i couldn't really remember where anyone room was at so i decided to walk around calling out for them until i got a reply. 

the halls stretched on for a long time, a shockingly long time, man these halls are long as hell. how do they ever find their way around here?



i turned around to see a door open. Belphegore poked his head out of his room, his hair falling into his eyes as he blinked tiredly down at me. he rubbed his eyes and silently motioned me to come closer. 

"i was looking for you." i said. 

he nodded his head as he opened his room door, showing me two twin beds. one of them was clearly his, disheveled from the boy sleeping in it all day. the other one was kind of made up neatly, with an orange and white comforter. i didn't expect the twins to share a room. 

"thought you wanted Levi?" he asked. 

"well i called for you both. i thought you wouldn't be able to hear me if you were asleep." i said. 

i noticed two mini fridges by Beels bed, and some food wrappers in the waste basket. he also had what looked like a box of protein drinks half way hidden under his bed. 

"what are you here for?" belphie asked. 

he sat on the edge of the table and focused his bleary eyes on me. 

"well, asmo got a call about a modelling job and had to drop me off. i didn't want to go to school, so i decided to come back here." i said. 

belphie raised an eyebrow. 

"why here?" he asked. 

"well you and Levi are here arnet you? that's better than a noisy school full of demons who want to kill me." i said. 

"eat you, they want to eat you." Belphie corrected. 

i gave him a small smile. like that was any better than killing me. 

"how do you know i don't want to eat you then?" belphie asked. 

his eyes suddenly became much clearer and they narrowed. he had an odd expression on his face, not unlike beel staring down a meal. 

"why would you save me from Solomon just to eat me?" is sked. 

"i don't like my food being soiled." the twin said as he stood up. 

i didn't flinch. there was no way he could be serious. i knew he had to be joking. 

"right because eluci-"

i was stopped as he quickly reached out and grabbed my wrist, spinning me around and pushing me to the wall. while he wasn't as imposing as beel was, he was still terrifying. 

"lucifer what? would stop me? hm. i don't see a pact mark of his on you." belphie said quietly. 

he was hunched all the way over, one hand in my hair pulling my neck to the side. my heart was pounding, it was an odd mixture of fear and excitement. 

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