a POV from the brothers

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i wonder, what is y/n doing? 

i felt bad for lieing to her. i know what asmodeus did was not right, that's why i opted out of going to 'rescue' her. but i felt weird seeing her in Levi and belphies arms. i had watched from afar as they 'saved' her from Solomon. i felt a little bad for him when Belphie attacked him. 

asmodeus and i had been in the shadows. he said something about showing our human who solo really was. 

i had a dream that night, it was probably one of the best id had in a long time. 

y/n was being hurt by someone. some thug demons wanted to take her away from us. but i saved her. she held onto my shirt while i lifted her up. she looked at me with bright eyes and a smile and thanked me. and i felt a wonderful warmth spread throughout my whole body. i needed to feel that again. it was addicting. 

as her friend i needed to make sure she was safe from now on. so i geuss i need to work with Lucifer to get her to be around me even more. i like her bein my friend. I've never feel this type of friendship for a person before but it think its nice. 

i always feel warm when I'm near her. and oddly enough the hunger subsides. i wonder why that is? maybe this is what its like to have a best friend? i like the way she talks, walks, and smiles. oh god her smile makes me melt on the inside. but i don't know if i should tell her that. i geuss its nice to complement people. friends complement friends right? i should complement her. 

when she kissed Levi on the cheek this morning i felt terrible. it was sadness. no, i had felt sad before but it wasn't that. its like, if someone was eating a cheeseburger right in front of me. a big, huge delectable cheeseburger. oh man I'm hungry. no, i didn't feel hungry it was weird. it wasn't fair for her to kiss him on the cheek. 

i had imagined myself in his place, and it helped calm me down. why did i feel that weird achy anger in my chest. all i know is i want to be in that place. friends kiss friends right? yeah, they do. i geuss i should try kissing her then. i wonder if shed like it? i wonder... would she make any noise? maybe a soft whine. or a moan. thinking about it makes me want to kiss her more. i want to feel her soft skin in my mouth. maybe i could bite her, mark her body. maybe i could fuck her until shes crying. and her belly is swollen from getting cum inside of it. 

damn, i need to pay attention to this lesson. but its so difficult. the second i saw her asleep on the floor i felt an odd sensation. one of true friendship! i hope we are friends forever  i really do. i hope she never leaves. if she does leave... i don't know what i might do. 


the plan produced by asmodeus was quite diabolical. but i had to say it was impressive. though the boy could be quite vain, and dimwitted, he was very smart when he was coming up with a plan to win something. 

i had heard him explaining it to lucifer. who i was shocked would ever agree. asmodeus said something about showing the poor human how important it is to never leave its escorts. i geuss that is true. if it hadnt learned its lesson with me, then it would definitely learn with Solomon. 

however something did piss me off. 

i was on my phone, looking through my social media when i noticed Asmodeus had posted a picture. it was of the human and him together at the hot spring. she had a yellow lemon colored face mask on, and a fluffy pink cat ear head band on. 

i had to admit it made me feel... odd. a little part of me felt guilty for doping her to piss off lucifer. but another part of me felt jealous because of... well because of asmodeus. i had never thought that sentence would leave my mind. i hate it and i want it to stop. why do i feel jealous of asmodeus and that human?

no its not th ehuman, I'm jealous because he's with the human. and her- its adorable headband. i wonder, what if i did another prank on lucifer. turning the human into part cat. what would she-it look like. 

a fluffy black tail, soft ears poking out of her head. i wonder if she would purr for me. i could pat her head and find out. i could put a little collar on her with a bell. a nice leash to go with it. maybe i would give her little whiskers. 

ugh, this is gross why am i thinking of that human. and why do i feel... odd, i feel just like i did when i first saw it in that headband. with her shirt see-through enough to see her bra. i wonder how soft her skin is. how sweet i could make her moa-

i need to pay attention to this book. 


the little human girl is so... odd. her scent is tantalizing. everything in the house wreaks of it. and when i was asked to step in on beels behalf last night during asmos little operation. why didnt i refuse? and more importantly, why did i feel guilty when i saw how scared she was. even more importantly why did i say those things just to get close to her?

why did i push her into the wall, talking about eating her when all i wanted to do was softly kiss her tender neck. oh her skin looked so soft. poor human girl, shes so incredibly fragile. i had to lean so far down just to reach the top of her head. shes easy prey to any demon here. maybe we need to do better ron keeping her safe. maybe she shouldn't go outside as much as she already does?

maybe she should stay with me? i could lay my head on her thighs while she plays with my hair and i sleep. it would be nice to have the littl ehuman as a servant for me. but ig euss i dont want her to be my servant. i kind of like her. her neck tasted nice. and the ways he shivered and whined against me was the cutest thing id ever seen. if only that dumbass levi hadnt interrupted. maybe i could've had my way with her... 

but i kind of want beel to be there with me with her. it would be nice to share wit hhim. she would look pretty getting smashed between the two of us. shes so small its almost pitiful. 

maybe the next time i invite her to my room, ill move further with her. i don't want any of the brothers t get a hold of her. i want her to myself. i want her to only look at me, maybe even beel. i want to hold her in my arms as i sleep. i want her to tell me how amazing I am. 

what if i put her up in the attic? would she be happy there? i couldkeep her there all the time and she wouldn't have to be around those others. i kind of like that iea. having her all to myself .hm, i need to think on this more. 

in the meantime, i should go back to sleep. maybe ill have a  dream about her. 

wow three posts in a day? I'm on a roll. anyways i figured this would be a nice little glimpse into the boys thoughts. and they were a little horny so your welcome :). i think you can kind of see where this is going. i decided to make the house of lamentation and purgatory hall boys fight over you. cause you know, who doesn't love a good ' fight over the girl and see who ets to kidnap her' story. 

anyways, go touch some grass now. i might be making a smut chapter at some point but I'm not sure who it will be with. if you want to try and guess ill give you a hint (cheeseburger). 

tongue tied yandere!obeymexreaderWhere stories live. Discover now