headcannons: arguments

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this one is not very yandere. just a btw. 


doesn't like to listen to you a whole bunch. he thinks that he is the only one that can be right and this can irritate the hell out of you. it takes you getting seriously pissed off for him to pay attention to what your saying so normally you end up yelling and crying during fights. 

you argue about money most of the time. mammon is not good at managing money and (in this case you guys live together) he is spending money on stupid shit most of the time. you end up having to put a lock on his card so he cant spend to much money and bankrupt you guys. 

when he upsets you it takes him about half a day to set aside is ego and apologize. he will bring you your favorite candy and quietly mumble an apology. he will be upset from you not talking to him and might cry. 


he tunes you out and barely listens to you. he thinks what your arguing about is stupid and he decides sleep is more important. he's actually kind of a dick. 

he will tell you that your overreacting and it takes you packing an away bag and leaving for him to realize he fucked up. he will realize after about a day of you being gone that he fucked up and he needs you back. he will get upset and try frantically to find you, only to find you with mammon. 

he will go to mammons house and beg for you back. he will listen to what you have to say and will actually make the changes you ask for and stick with them. sure he might slip up but in this way he is a really good boyfriend. 


he doesn't get angry with you. he is incredibly calm. he never gets frustrated or angry even if you scream at him, which doesn't happen often because he is a wonderful communicator. he discusses the shortcomings the two of you have and where you guys can improve in a very adult manner. 

normally you will get upset and say that he doesn't spend enough time with you or acts like he doesn't love you. if this happens and its on a day he is not in the mood for an argument he will calmly try to redirect the argument, this can cause you to pack a bag and leave, saying you need someone who will actually love you. 

it takes him one hour to stop crying before he finds you with Beel, crying and eating icecream. he will hug you and cry and tell you how sorry he is for not being affectionate enough. 

he is kind of good at making changes, but not as good as belphie is. he is a creature of habit and while some things will change they will not be perfect. 


you fight because of his envy. even though this is not a very yandere chapter, his reasons are more on the yandere side of things. 

he is upset that you arent spending enough time with him, or that you did something for someone else, or you seem to like someone else more. literally if you interact with someone else he will get jealous and it makes him act out. 

one of the ways he acts out is by taking your hand and dragging you away and forcing you to syau in the house with you. this causes a yelling match, where he claims you don't love him or accuses you of cheating, and you storm out with a to go bag packed in your arms. 

your tired of him accusing you of cheating, you cant stand how much he distrusts you. your extremely upset and you go to a bar for some drinks. levi followed you there, and watched you at the bar. when he saw someone approach you he had to stop from going into demon form. but when you refuse them, and tell them you have e a boyfriend, he goes back to his normal form and realizes the mistakes he has made. 

tongue tied yandere!obeymexreaderWhere stories live. Discover now