step one

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the table around Y/n was silent. the boys were busy in the kitchen, making her favorite meal. they had forgotten about her need for food the other day, so she was starving. 

belphegore walked into the dining room and sat next to her. 

in order to prevent her from trying to escape both ankles and hands were tied. 

"belphie, could i have a drink." y/n asked. 

it was embarrassing, humiliating to have to ask for a drink, or to be fed. she couldn't use her hands, and she couldn't miss another meal, her stomach was in knots just from the smell wafting in. 

he smiled and nodded, holding the cup to her lips. Y/n drank, quickly downing the entire cup. 

"more?" belphegore asked. 

she shook her head. belphegore set the cup down and then sat beside her, resting his hand on hers. she didn't dare pull away, but her skin crawled at his touch. he smiled gently at her. 

"we made sure to get all the good ingredients from the humans world for you, we wanted to do something special to celebrate you staying with us." belphegore said. 

"staying? what about the exchange program?" i asked. 

my heart sank when his smile grew a little tighter. 

"did you want to leave?" he asked. 

my heart thumped and i quickly shook my head, grabbing hold of his hands and squeezing them tightly. i couldn't afford another session with lucifer, he might actually kill me this time. 

"no! no i don't want to go, i just want to be sure diavolo wont be worried if i don't go back. i don't want him interrupting us." i quickly said. 

belphegore seemed pleased with my answer, because warmth flooded his eyes. he leaned in and kissed me, and it took all my power not to pull away from him. 

"good! we have already don't things to make sure he wont even notice your not at school. neither will the others, it was to much of a hassle to look after you there anyways. even with beel by your side, you could always get taken away from us by someone else." belphie explained. 

his words made me want to shudder. 

"e-exaxtly, i don't want that. anyways, could i have some more to drink?" i asked. 

he smiled and nodded, took my cup to the kitchen. i sighed with the relief of finally being alone. there wasn't a moment where someone wasn't beside me, touching me, kissing me, talking to me. satan read to me last night, this morning beel and asmo talked my ear off. i didn't know where luke or simeon went. but they should've been here. 

did they really give up on me?

my heart hurt to think about that. but belphie stepped back inside the dining room. 

i wiped the solemn look from my face and gave the best smile i could. he tilted the drink into my mouth and i gulped down half of it. 

"i was thinking after this we could go watch a movie in the attic." belphegore said. 

was i allowed to refuse that? 

"b-belphie im kind of tired." i said quietly. 

he froze slightly.

"but ill watch with you! i love you so it doesn't matter right?" i asked quickly. 

he softened when i told him i loved him, his hands moved towards me and i flinched slightly. 

"hey its alright, if your sleepy we can just put on a quiet show and you can go to bed with me." belphegore said. 

his hands slipped around my face, thankfully asmodeus opened the door to the kitchen. 

tongue tied yandere!obeymexreaderWhere stories live. Discover now