growing pains

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beel brushed the hair from Y/ns face. she had finally stopped crying, and finally fallen asleep. it had taken her a while, but the entire time he held her. 

there was a mix of emotions inside of himself. when he saw how horribly hurt she was, he felt angry with lucifer, she didn't deserve it. but... didn't she? shed tried to leave them, shed all but declared she no longer loved them by doing so. shed broken her promise, she wasn't willing to stay here after that. 

so was it really unjust for lucifer to be so angry. sure beel felt that the eldest had been harsh. three of her ribs were shattered, there were deeps cuts all over her stomach and thighs, red and yellow bruises decorated her back. her nose was blood, and her cheek was bruises. but maybe now she would think twice before doing such irrational things. 

beel sighed and ran his thumb over his fragile lovers cheeks. his delusions weren't allowing him to see the wrong in this situation, how horrible lucifer and him were being by allowing this type of behaviour. there wasn't a sliver of regret in his mind now, what remained was sadness that she had done something bad and needed punished. 

not only did he come to agree with lucifers abuse of their human, but a sick feeling of happiness was developing inside of him. 

ever since those men had tried to attack her, and beel was the one to save her, he couldn't help but crave the feelings of protecting his lover. the way she looked at him, with such a deep trust and admiration. how she held onto him, like he was the only thing she ever needed to be happy or safe. 

and she had looked at him like that once more. it warmed his heart beyond any measure. at least that's what he thought he saw in her eyes. 

she held onto him, crying and seeking comfort in him. he didn't even care that he enjoyed it, he didn't try to hide the sick smile or joy at seeing her so broken and helpless. 

there was a quiet knock at the door, and it slowly opened up to show asmodeus. 

"lucifer told me i should come see her." he said quietly. 

beel nodded and went back to looking down at his lover. he could see how peaceful she was, and he was glad her pain wouldn't continue. 

"he did quite the number." asmodeus murmured. 

"i know... do you think it was to much?" beel asked. 

asmodeus grew quiet as he moved some of the covers and extended his hands. he wasn't sympathetic to her. she knew the consequences of her actions. trying to refuse him? or any of his brothers? how could she!

he was everything she could ever need. all he asked was for love in return and she tried to escape. 


beel pursed his lips and look down at his human. hed known she was weak, but not this weak. her body was fragile and broken. 

"belphie wants to put her in the attic..." asmodeus said. 

a pink film spread from the demons fingertips the the injured portions of the humans body. he was going to heal the most serious things first, if the human died she could leave, go to someone and beg for asylum in heaven. they could never let her leave. 

"shouldn't she get another chance?" Beelzebub asked. 

asmodeus tilted his head. 

"what if the next chance she gets, she succeeds in." asmodeus said. 

beel shifted, and went back to looking at his darling. hi hand rested on her forehead, and he smoothed down her hair. gentle breath puffed out of her slightly open mouth. she was so gorgeous even when she was asleep. 

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