the wolves den

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(this is from the brothers POV and happens when you are away from the house with levi)

the brothers gathers around the lunch table, each of them eyeing the other with slight contempt. 

the oldest, the one who called the meeting to discuss a certain event, cleared his throat loudly. 

"i understand there have been some... feelings, about our newest human. i also see that it is causing plenty of issues among each of you." lucifer said. 

each brother had their own reaction. each of them wanted to refuse that this had nothing to do with a simple human. a small, smiling human that they couldn't stop thinking about. 

beel, the biggest of them all was having one of the worst times. she never left his mind. the memories from the night he ate with her at that she smiled, the way she smelled. and how she hugged and clung onto him when those men attacked her. it was all so amazing. he felt proud when he saved her, when he saw how thankful she was for him. 

he missed it. he missed her so much. he had gone into her room, only intending to try and talk to her only to find her missing. and against all his will, he snooped around. 

belphie, his twin,  had just as hard of a time. since he found her with Solomon he felt a strange feeling arise whenever she was near. his heart would pick up and he would feel more alert. he tried to be rude, he tried to scare her off with his threats. but having her so close, it was impossible to resist her. he had taken the liberty of watching her. just to make sure she was safe. when she went out with satan he followed behind them at a safe distance. he felt nothing but digust when he saw how close the two were getting. of course he sent pictures to his twin. the two knew everything about what the other did. beelzebub was worse than him. he had take her panties and brought them back to his room. 

her skin was so soft pressed to his mouth. her kisses were so soft and gentle he couldn't stand it. and her breasts were perfect. they fit so well in his hands, she was intoxicating. 

mammon, the second oldest, had been feeling possessive. that first night when she came to him woke up more feelings in his heart he didn't want. when she grew tired he carried her to bed, and the whole night he laid there, gently stroking her hair and back. her scent filled his room and stained his sheets. it made his heart race. he needed more, he had to have her with him every night. she was marked by him. permanently. 

he felt a sense of pride when the others found out about his pact mark being on her. now they knew he had claimed her for himself. they knew to keep their grimy hands off his beautiful human. soon he could keep her as close to him as he would like! and of course he made it through the day with the small amount of... gifts, he had taken from her. clothing with her smell on it, he even sprayed her perfume over a pillow. 

asmodeus, one of the younger brothers was seething. the minute he saw the human he felt... jealous. she was so beautiful, she was radiant. it was like lucifer had plucked an angel from the heavens above and placed her down here with him. he felt self conscious, he felt awed, he felt jealous. and that small human had managed to make him feel odd. she was constantly on his mind, he was always looking through her social media, looking at her posts trying to find something he could use for later. he snooped around her friends list, making sure her human world friends were good for her. of course they weren't, she was a walking goddess. and the others had the balls to taint her perfect body?

it was unforgivable. he has to have the human, he had to keep her away from the filfth of this world. nothing is perfect enough for her, including him. 

satan was confused. the emotions he felt were so odd. they were illogical. there was nothing special about her. and yet everything was special about her. the thoughts he had... some of them were terrible, thoughts of taking her away from the others. making sure she didn't talk to anyone else. it mad ehim sick to know that some other demon was touching her instead of him. his brothers, he could stand them. but the others would hurt her. she would be in danger if he didn't keep her safe. 

so he did. he had stolen lucifers sheet of data on her. it held her account passwords to all her school things and social media. he hacked in, and just to make sure she was alright, he read her messages. most of them werent much, but he found a few from beel that worried him. he would continue his monitoring for a long time. 

"i want you all to know that no matter your feelings, at the end of this school year she will be leaving the devildom." lucifer said. 

each one of them hated that news. they knew in the back of their heads that they couldn't let it happen. she was owned by them, the second she set foot in this house, she wasn't going back up. they were all so intoxicated with her. 

"unless she chooses to stay right?" satan asked. 

he leaned forward and put his chin on his hand. 

"yes, that is a clause in the contract. but i would like for her to leave and continue her life as a human." lucifer said. 

he eyed the blond boy for a moment. he knew how dangerous demons got when they found something to be infatuated with. he had caught himself thinking of the night he had found her with beel and belphie. the way her body looked, soft and delicious. in the moment he had seen her, indecent thoughts sprun out of his mind. thoughts about her body, being one of the twins. he hadn't thought about those things in a long time.

"but if she does want to stay she can." mammon said. 

the oldest sighed in frustration. 

"yes. she can stay." 

"i never knew about that." beel murmured. 

he eyes the other brothers wearily. he knew damn well what they were all planning. and it made him slightly angry. if he couldn't have her then none of them would. 

"however you all need to deal with your jealousy in a different way. who she chooses to have a night with should not cause a fight every damn morning. if i have to send someone to wake her and you find her with a brother. do not fight, or i will begin penalizing you all." lucifer said. 

their was an air of hostility hanging thickly around each brother. but even then they had all come to a quiet consensus. if it was to be anyone who got the human, it was one of them. but anyone outside of this house would be demolished. 

they would get her to stay, they had to. none of them knew what they would do without the preciously small human around. and they weren't eager to find out.

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