mammon, avatar of... softness????

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"eh? oh, hello y/n."

the door opened to reveal mammon. his white hair was tousled heavily, one of his eyes was a dark golden brown and the other one was yellow. his nails were slightly longer and darker and his teeth were still very sharp. i geuss the potion was still acting on him. 

there was something slightly tired in his eyes, there was no snarky reply when he opened the door. 

"lucifer brought me-"

"yeah yea, i know why your here. come on." he said. 

he moved out of the way of the door and let me in. 

his room was huge, and lushly decorated. i don't know how he could afford anything that was in here, it looked like it was all priceless. the largest thing in here was probably the car. which I'm not entirely sure why its in his room of all places, but i geuss whatever floats his boat. 

"beel and belphie foumd you?" he asked. 

i took a seat on a chair, being once again reminded of my naked chest right below the thin sheet wrapped around me. mammon shut the door as he talked, and walked into a different room. 

"uh, yeah. i was with asmo when they found me!" i yelled to him. 

he walked back out, carrying a pair of plaid sweat pants and a white t-shirt. 

"this should fit you. and be thankful i even agreed to help ya instead of killin you." he replied. 

he tossed the outfit to my feet and hesitated. 

"what happened there?" he asked. 

his eyebrows knit together and he pursed his lips. 

"oh, satan found me, i stepped on some broken glass." i replied. 

he frowned a little bit, his normally indifferent expression becoming threaded with concern. 

"ill be back. don't move." he replied. 

"well cant i change?" i asked. 

"o-oh right. yes go ahead." he said. 

he walked away and back into his own room, once the door was shut i managed to shimmy out of my pants and pulled on the incredibly loose pair of sweatpants, then i removed the sheet and quickly pulled on the shirt. just like the pants it was multiple sizes to big. 

"I'm done changing mammon!"

after a second the door opened and mammon came out with a small crate. his eyes were focused on the box he held, but when he finally looked toward me his eyes widened. there was a blush forming on his cheeks, and his mouth fell slightly open .

"is something the matter?" i asked. 

he cleared his throat and shot me a glare, scowling aswell as he walked towards me. 

"ya better not lose those pants. those are my favorite you know?" he said. 

"i didn't know, but ill make sure not to lose them, thank you mammon." i said. 

he kneeled down, and kept his face hidden, i had to stop myself from smiling. he was probably redder than a tomatoes.

"gimme your foot." he said softly. 

i extended my leg and, surprisingly, he tenderly took hold of my ankle. 

he had big hands, and while i didn't expect him to be gentle, he most definitely was. his fingers barely applied any pressure to me as he began to unwrap my foot. 

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