Alternative ending

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so i got a lot of comments by someone who hated the ending, and wants an alternative one! i do admit that it was pretty sad, poor Y/n got stuck with those demons. smh. i wouldnt mind being with yandere beel and belphie tho. the two are just so hot.


hopefully this alternate ending is much nicer and suits people a little better. 

Y/n ran out of the room. Mammon was screaming for her to stay but it no longer mattered.

right down the hall was Diavolo, Simeon and Luke. asmo, lucifer and belphegore were standing behind lucifer, who had taken on his demon form.

the door to the outside was blocked off and smashed open, no doubt diavolo had broken through lucifers magic on it.


y/ns weak voice carried down the hall. diavolo was horrified by the state she was in, her pant leg ripped open to reveal names carved along her leg, bruises and cuts all over her arms, her left hand was twisted at a gross angle.

he looked back at lucifer, who had stiffened. he was glaring darkly at diavolo.

"y/n, get back in mammons room!" lucifer shouted.

y/n hesitated. his voice was angry, she didn't need him to look at her to know. her body trembled slightly as it debated disobeying its owner and obeying lucifer. she had endured many beatings from him already, one more would kill her.

"lucifer this is no longer your ward, give us the human."

luke and simeon stepped forward, they were blocked by the other demons. from the stairs beel, levi and satan were watching y/n, trying to debate wether or not to step in and grab her.

she veered to the side, grabbing the wall for support.

mammon hadn't come out of his room, no doubt wanting to prevent the wrath of lucifer coming down on him.

"she is happy with us diavolo." lucifer said.

a sneer crawled its way onto diavolos face, he showed the text message from mammons phone and lucifers anger turned the air around him dark.

"give her to us now. i will not ask again. you will already be tried for treason, don't make this worse lucifer." diavolo ordered.

y/n could no longer move, her legs shook and finally gave out. her freedom was close, but her bloodless and unconsciousness was even closer.

she tried to crawl forward, but a shadow fell over her that made her heart stop.

"lets take her to the attic."

belphegore stood beside her, watching her weak and broken body shake. he hated to see her this way, Beelzebub even more so. he felt angry, he wanted to keep her safe. why did they have to punish her so severely?

"shes in love with us, every relationship has its bumps alright. allow me to deal with my brother." lucifer said.


y/n called out for the angels, as a pair of strong warm arms scooped her up.

"come on y/n let them solve it out, you arent leaving okay." beel said soothingly.

tears sprang into her eyes and she tried to push away from the larger twin. he held her tightly and turned to go to the stairs.

"Beelzebub take one more step and i will obliterate you!"

diavolos booming voice made beel pause.

"beel, do as i say and take her away from here." lucifer growled.

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