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im sorry i havent posted, there was a death in my family and i have been having to work double plus school so shit has been intense, this is a quick chapter. 

levi enjoys playing video games with you while you sit in his lap. he also makes you clothes to wear everyday himself. he likes it when you wear his clothing because it feels like your showing him off. he gets a little nervous in public, and typically people think the two of you are friends. however, if someone hits on you he will make it quite obvious that you re taken and not to be messed with. he enjoys dressing up and going to fancy events with you aswell, it makes him feel like he's in an otome game

lucifer has never been anxious around someone until you came along, now he cant think right whenever you get near him. lucifer is afraid you will overwork yourself like how he does. if you are studying for school, or he hasn't seen you take a break in a while, he will place his hands on yours and tell you to take a brea. if you refeus he will pick you up and put you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and take you to his bed and make you lay down for an hour while he holds you. he is a bit like a mom and will ask if your eating enough and make sure your eating veggies. 

beelzebub is a really good cook and loves to cook with you. even though you have to stop him from eating the food, he enjoys helping yu reach the things you cannot. while beel enjoys working out, he doesn't want you to do it aswell. he already finds you perfect in everyday, and he doesn't want you to be sore. however if you do workout, he gives the best massages out of all the brothers. i can see him becoming a physical therapist or a professional massager in the human world. his hands are also slightly calloused. he enjoys sending you pics of him flexing when he is done with the gym, and glows with pride when you tell him how big his muscles are. 

asmodeus had you model one time, and hated it. he could tell the photographer was way to into you and it made him upset and jealous. he no longer allows straight men, or people that like women to take photos of the two of you because he hates how jealous he gets. not only that, but he doesn't enjoy posting the pictures because people will start to post comments on how hot you are and it makes him jealous. he gets jealous quickly and easily. 

belphegore feels guilty when he falls asleep before you. he always likes to have you lay your head on his lap and gently pets you hair until you fall asleep. if you have nightmares and he wakes up, he will pull you against him and snuggle you- quietly whispering and telling you its alright. sometimes he will use his magic to change your dreams. when he does fall asleep before you and wakes up in the mornings he wants to cry because he feels guilty, however just a moment of gentle reassurance and he will no longer be upset.

diavolo and barbatos wouldn't mind sharing a human between the two of them. like belphegore and Beelzebub, the two don't mind dating the same person, as long as shes loyal to only the two of them. because diavolo is slightly childish, barbatos would almost be like a caregiver for the two of you. if your more goofy he will ensure you do your work, eat the proper amount of food, and will tell the two of you to settle down and get to work. if you are more serious like him he will ensure you relax, and insists you take two hour breaks while studying. Diavolo will be shy at first around you, he's not used to liking a girl or having her like him back. so when the two of you start dating don't be shocked if he's a little bashful. 

solomon is labeled as sneaky and mischevious and it makes him sad. he doesn't try to trick people, and he really just wants to help out. whenever you smile at him and tell him he's a good person it melts his heart. 

mammon is very overprotective, and once you start dating he is more open about his feelings. he enjoys hugging/ touching you, and when he's had a difficult day he will typically go to you and lay his head in your lap. he enjoys the fact you don't judge him, and he is actually sensitive and cries a lot. he is also a very good communicator with you but no one else. lucifer noticed a rise in his grades when you mentioned you liked smart boys. he hates losing to toehrs in front of you. 

simeon is very much a caregiver, and tends to have to force you to stop working to take care of yourself. he has found you asleep on you desk with schoolwork around you, lifts you up, kisses your head and tells youhow wonderful you've done. he pats your head a lot because he knows luke enjoys head pats and doesn't know what else to do for you. 

also, once this book is over i am going to start one for the side characters! give me some name ideas cause why not. and im thinking i will do a book for diavolo and barbatos, and then one for the purgatory hall. 

im playing tears of themis and im in LOVE with vyn. he is so handsome and so awesome. i think i might make a book about that aswell. lemme know if yall would be interested!

i might not post for the rest of the week, there's a lot of funeral preparations etc. 

tongue tied yandere!obeymexreaderWhere stories live. Discover now