step two

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mammon carried me back to the room, which was nice since the life would most likely slip out of my pants if i was forced to walk. 

he held me close, humming happily to himself. 

i needed to get him to go to sleep, and then i needed to find my phone. of course i could always take ehis phone, who knows if they are monitoring my phone. 

i never thought of that before this, should i really use my own phone or should i use his? i run the risk of waking him up, he could notice that its missing before i make the call. 

i glanced up at him. he always kept his phone in his back pocket. and he was a heavy sleeper. it seemed more likely that i would get his phone than anything else. 

my thigh throbbed with pain from the knife, luckily my pants were black, i could feel the bloodbeginning to soak into them. 

"mammon, can we watch a movie and snuggle please." i asked. 

his eyes lit up and he smiled. how in the hell could someone as sweet as him turn into this? how could any of them?

it made me sad. was it my fault somehow? did i do something to make them this way? they seemed so normally when i first came here. now they were crazy. had i been the catalyst for it. 

"of course we can snuggle bunny, id like nothing else." he said softly. 

his room door opened. i scanned the surroundings for any hint of my phone. hopefully mammon wasn't smart enough to hide it, but knowing lucifer, he might've mad ehim do so. 

i tightened my hold on him, making it seem like i was snuggling closer, i peeked over his shoulder, surveying any type of place that could be a hiding spot. 

"can i go to the restroom first?" i asked. 

he went into his bed room and set me down on the bed. 

"ah, im not sure... lucifer told us not to leave you alone." he said quietly. 

i sat up, almost gasping as the knife pulled out of my leg and scraped against my thigh. my eyes were watering so i hugged him. 


"i just want to be able to stay in your arms for a really long time. if i have to get up from you later im gonna be sad. ill just be five minutes you don't have to worry." i lied. 

i needed to put the knife somewhere else. there was no way i could hide it from him. 

he seemed shocked but returned my hug warmly. 

"alright alright. five minutes." he said. 

i pulled away and he tapped the chain around my hands. it disappeared, and another tap to the one around my ankles attached it to the bed. 

"thank you mammon!"

i leaned forward and kissed him warmly. a soft sigh came from mammons mouth and he grinned widely when i pulled away. it hurt that they were crazy, i was actually really happy with them. 

i slid off the bed and hurried into the bathroom, shutting the door quietly before tugging the knife from my leg. 

i bit down onmy lip as the tip of the blade removed itself from my thigh. there were two half inch deep cuts in my leg now. they throbbed painfully and oozed blood. 

i looked around and found the lid of the toilet was removable. i set theknife inside, replaced the lid and sat on the toilet. i took clumps of toilet paper and pressed them painfully to my leg. i quieted my groan and squeezed my eyes shut as i stopped the bleeding. underneath the cabinet i found some bandages and gauze. 

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