avatars of cuddling.

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brief note

things are going to start going downhill, and by that i mean within the next couple of chapters there's gonna be some examples of toxic relationships (no shit its a yandere story) but just in case people are triggered, this is the point where things are going to get toxic. 

simeons pov

when i left y/n in that room, alone with lucifer, i could feel a weight in my chest grow. i know what happened with Solomon, and i know he wouldn't be the first person to be forced away from y/n. 

im not sure what is going on, but on my way out the tension between me and everyone else was palpable. 

"why were you holding her hand?"

"you shouldn't touch her so much, you'll make her uncomfortable."

"what did you talk to her about?"

"why were you so close?"

the questions were immediate, and they set me on edge. demons were not being made for love. there were cases of demons and humans 'falling in love' over the years. hardley any of them were ended on a good note, and some of them ended with the human lover killed or missing. we even had a small portion of the celestial realm dedicated to humans who were under protection from their demon 'lovers'. it didn't take long for them to spiral out of control, and i could tell the boys weren't far from it. 

"she was scared and in pain. as an angel its my duty to soothe a human." i replied. 

asmodeus narrowed his eyes, leviathan glanced over his phone and satan scowled. 

"you were so close to her. you were talking quietly to her about something what was it? are you trying to hide something?" satan asked quickly. 

i tried to move but the boy blocked my path. his hands were balled into fists, he was obviously angry. 

"i merely gave her advice for how to deal with being hurt by mammon and beel." i said. 

"mammon didn't mean to you know that. your trying to poison her against us arent you?" satan demanded. 

i shook my head. 

"no, i told her that her safety is the most important thing. and should she need me, she only needs to call me." i said. 

"why would she need you?"

i turned to find belphegore awake, glaring daggers at me. 

"i think the events of today speak for themselves." i said. 

"you know it was an accident." belphegore said. 

"and what about next time? hm? will that be an accident. do you need a reminder about some of the accidents demons cause to their human lovers? i think you remember Azaroth and her wife Penny? or Jacob and his husband Lok? i merely want her to know that 'accidents' are never supposed to happen, and that if you love her there should never be an 'accident' because you can never hurt someone you love!"

i had gotten loud, my own anger taking the best of me. i was scared for her, i was scared for what they might do to her if she remained down here. i know solomon had tried to warn her, and tried to get her to come beileive him. but the brothers were there at every corner to interrupt us. 

belphegore sneered, and satan took hold of my wrist. 

"why don't we take a walk feathers?"

i tried to protest but the two boys dragged me forward. 

tongue tied yandere!obeymexreaderWhere stories live. Discover now