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(simeons pov)

luke and solomon both nodded their heads slowly as i explained the situation that occurred. 

luke was obviously troubled, while solomons already pale face had grown even more bloodless as i explained. 

"but i don't know what to do. i don't know how to help her." i said. 

i know i told y/n i wouldn't interfere with her relationship, but after the way belphegore and satan treated me there was no way i could sit idly by. 

"I've known somethings wrong, but i don't think we have enough information to convince diavolo to step between the boys and y/n." Solomon replied. 

"i-it shouldn't matter! they already hurt her so diavolo shouldn't allow her to be with them!" luke protested. 

"i know luke, but the thing is, we really don't know if its a lie about mammon accidently hitting y/n or if it was on purpose. they would write it off as an accident, the worst that would happen was a scolding." Solomon said. 

"exactly, we can only do this one time. if diavolo tells them about us trying to interfere-"

"we are as good as dead." luke mumbled. 

"no... its not me im worried about anymore. they wont be able to kill us without alerting diavolo. but they can hurt y/n. you remember what happened to Amabal and the human she was involved with. no one saw him after a complaint was filed to Michael about how she was treating him." i said. 

"that's true. but how are we supposed to get evidence?" Solomon asked. 

"the night that you went out with y/n, do you remember seeing asmodeus?" i asked. 

solomon sighed and shook his head. 

"no, but i know the effects of his magic." Solomon said. 

"did y/n beileive you when you told her?" i asked. 

"she looked like she might've, but im really not sure. beel interrupted us. and none of my messages have been going through to her for a little over two weeks." Solomon said. 

"where do you message her?"

"on her social media." 

tapped my chin and mulled over a few explanations. it could be a faulty signal, but even i had odd moments with y/n over text. she would frequently leave me on delivered, and at one point i thought she blocked me. 

"you know, lucifer has all the passwords and things to the humans social medias as safe keeping if you lose them." luke said. 

"he does?" i asked. 

the young boy nodded. 

"'heard diavolo talking about the personnel files with lucifer." luke said. 

i narrowed my eyes, unease spreading in my chest. 

"there are files? where?" i asked. 

"dunno, but they've gotta be close to lucifer, maybe the boys got into them and took her passwords." luke said. 

"its possible, i could see levi doing that. or even lucifer. i wouldn't be shocked if he used the excuse of 'monitoring' her safety online." Solomon said. 

i nodded. but something didn't feel right about lucifer holding the files on the humans and angels. i had never heard about something like that occurring. 

"Solomon were you asked questions for a file then?" i asked. 

solomon shrugged, resting his chin on his fist. 

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