cat cafes are for apologies

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"we have to what now?" 

breakfast had gone on for about an hour before lucifer finally spoke about the elephant in the room. i could see dark circles were left under his eyes, and thankfully diavolo was no longer with him. 

the whole time i was avoiding eyes with the twins. mammon had ensured i wasn't seated next to them like i normally would be. and as soon as they entered i kept my eyes away from them. i could feel beels stare on my face the whole time, even when lucifer spoke about apologies. 

"last night was not on purpose, this much is true, however y/n was injured in the process and will not be able to attend school. so, in order to keep her entertained and busy, each of you will have an apology day. as a way to say sorry for the mess, confusion, and fear that was caused last night. you will be required to take her out to someplace in devildom that you enjoy, somewhere to eat, and apologize to her for hurting her." lucifer explained. 

wonderful. what were the twins supposed to say? 'hey I'm really sorry for trying to fuck you while we were under the influence of a potion you made, we can be friends though right?'. i would die before receiving an apology like that one. i just hope today is going to with someone other than beel. 

"i don't see why that's necessary. i mean Levi didn't even come out of his room." satan said. 

i glanced at him. 

"yes satan i know, but you also tried to eat y/n, so if anyone was to receive this punishment then its you." lucifer said. 

satan tried to speak once more but lucifer clapped his hands with an air of finality. 

"and since satan was so kind as to volunteer himself for today, satan and our human will have the day to themselves." lucifer said. 

i was slightly anxious about it. the first time satan met me he invited me for breakfast and promptly put me under a sleeping spell to prank lucifer. i wonder if he still has any intention of using me like I'm a toy. 

"if the human isn't back by later tonight i will have your ass, satan." lucifer threatened. 

mammon sighed from next to me, he seemed a little upset with the decision. 

"hey mammon its alirght, me and you can hang out when i get back!" i said. 

he gave me a small smile, before grinning confidently. 

"cant get enough of the great mammon huh? silly human!" he announced. 

i could tell he was teasing, there was a new sparkle in his beautiful blue eyes. 

(time skip brought to you by a 6 hour shift at dunkin donuts)

lucifer conjured a wheelchair for me, quite literally. it appeared out of thin air without as much as a hand wave. mammon helped place me inside, ensuring i was comfortable before taking me to a spare room. 

"while your foot is healing we will have you on the bottom floor so you can get around on your own okay? ill bring ya' some clothes." mammon said. 

it was a nice gesture, one i bet lucifer came up with. he was being really sweet to me though and it was really nice. 

satan had disappeared after breakfast, to where i have no idea. 

mammon brought me back some clothes, which i told him he could dump on the floor. he helped me pick my way through them and find an outfit appropriate for the day. 

"thank you mammon, your really amazing." i said. 

his cheeks glowed red, and he turned around. 

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