saved by the beel

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"who was in here with you y/n?" lucifer asked. 

he looked me over with a raised eyebrow. and i felt my mouth go dry. there was no reason for me to trust solomon. but he was right. now that i thought of it, his eyes glowed the same color as Asmodeus. and it made me doubt everything that the brothers had done for me. 

including lucifer. they were demons after all. solomon was a human. he was less likely to hurt me right?

"i-i was talking to myself." i replied with a smile. 

he didn't return it, instead he frowned. 

"there was a male voice in here y/n. do not lie to me." lucifer replied. 

"I'm very good at changing my voice. its a silly thing i like to do sometimes." i replied. 

he narrowed his eyes and took a step closer. he was very imposing. 

"i hope you do not insist on continuing this charade y/n. tell me who was in here with you." Lucifer said. 

i opened my mouth to speak when the door opened. 

"hey little human, levi told me you would be in her-"

he stopped when he saw lucifer, his slightly excited expression dulling down. 

"Beel! I'm so glad to see you! how was school?" i asked. 

i avoided lucifers eyes as i stepped around him and towards Beel. he seemed to brighten more and he placed a big hand on my head and gently ruffled my hair. my cheeks burned, he hadn't done this to me before. how odd. 

"school was very good. how was your day with asmodeus?" he asked.

"it was alright. we got interrupted by one of asmodeus' model agents. so i came back early to hang out with... belphie." i paused for a minute as i remember being in belphies room. 

i felt heat rise in my cheeks and looked away to try and hide it. i admired a plant as beel spoke. 

"oh that's good. I'm glad you had a good day. do you feel better from last night?" beel asked. 

i tensed slightly. there's no way beel could be involved though. he wasn't even there. and he was to sweet to do anything bad or keep a secret! the boy is like a golden retriever!

"i do, thank you. asmodeus gave me a nice massage today aswell i found it really relaxing." i replied. 

beel nodded his head before clearing his throat. 

"you know, human, if you'd like, there a restaurant i wanted to try tonight. s-so you know. you could come with me if you'd like." beel said. 

i turned around and stood up, the heat had left my cheeks. i looked up at beel and noticed his own face had turned a very light pink color. 

"oh, yeah i would love that!" i said. 

"a-and, you know if you wouldn't mind, i need someone to help me count my reps and help me in the gym so. y-you wouldn't mind helping me?" beel asked. 

i tried my best to keep my pervy mind from turning the situation into something its not. but beel was obviously fit underneath his shirt and coat, and he was tall and big. i couldn't help but think about helping him with some... cardio. 

my face burned a little bit as i pulled myself from a dirty fantasy. 

"yeah of course! i don't do well with exercise." i said. 

"that's okay! we just have to stop by my room so i can get changed and then e can go to the gym!" he said. 

his smile was incredibly wide. but it was ruined by lucifer. 

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