double trouble

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"christ beel what the hell!"

my foot twinged with pain as he placed me on the bed, the wrap was keeping blood from seeping onto the sheets, but it was still in a lot of pain. 

belphie stood by the door, watching me with an odd expression. one similar to when he talked about wanting to eat me. but as long as beel is here that shouldn't happen. 

"we need you here." beel replied as he turned around. 

his hands ruffled his already wild hair, he began to pace back and forth in front of me. 

"you could've asked nicely to come inside. you don't need to act like- well like an animal." i replied. 

i wasn't worried about beel, so i kept my eyes on belphie. I'm shocked the two of them didn't turn into the same animal, it would make sense since their twins. but i geuss they do have a bit of an opposite personality thing going on. 

"why do you guys need me anyways?" i asked. 

belphie and beel both stood still for a moment, there was a tense silence between the two of them. my eyes flicked between the two brothers as i waited on the answer i deserved. 

"we... cant allow you near anyone else." beel mumbled. 

it was barely audible, and made my heart skip a slight beat. i mean, if he liked me i was happy, but it was a little much to say that no one else could be near me. 

"what do you mean?" i asked. 

belphie pushed himself off the wall and sat next to me, incredibly close to me. he was still looking at me, and reached out to brush his fingertips to my cheek. beel copied him, but kept his hands to himself, a light blush on his cheeks as he looked down at his hands. 

"this potion... it increases basic instinct." beel said. 

"and we were both already feeling... curious, about you." belphie said. 

"but no-now its unbearable. your scent its like-"

"the most addicting drug in the world."

"and we cant let the others ruin it, even that little time with asmodeus managed to muddle it." beel said. 

the two had the whole, creepy twin finishing each others sentences thing down. but how does he mean curious? i mean, there's a lot of different meanings. and of course i would prefer it to be... a unique curiosity. but in reality i doubt that's the situation. 

"we need you to stay with us, only us. we want you, y/n." belphie muttered. 

i shivered. his voice was barely a whisper, and his hand was cool on my cheek. it gently trace a circle over my cheek and then belphie took my chin into one of his hands and pulled my face towards him. 

"its a terrible feeling, but i feel jealous whenever the others get you to themselves you know?" beel growled. 

i felt his hand on my back, the other one landing on my knee as he leaned in closer. my heart was ready to pound out of my chest, this couldn't be happening, not at all. this had to be some type of prank!

soft lips came into contact with mine, and a low growl left belphie as he pressed the kiss harder to my lips. i was shocked, but i couldn't stop myself from kissing him back. he was a little rough, biting down on my lips with his sharp teeth, pushing his tongue into my own mouth and pulling me closer to him. 

beels hand began to travel up my thighs. it was rough and calloused and made the sensitive skin feel like it was on fire. the bed dipped as he leaned over, and placed gentle kisses along my neck and exposed collarbone. 

tongue tied yandere!obeymexreaderWhere stories live. Discover now