headcannon: when your sick

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inm extremely sick right now, not sure what it is but my lungs have gotten worse over the past few days so im just gonna do a headcannon for tonight, sorry. 


lucifer is ther mom of the boys, so when his lovely girlfriend gets sick he cant stop himself from trying to take care of you and nursing you back to health. 

hew has some of diavolos doctors come and see you, then if they cant figure out whats wrong he will take you to the human world and allow you to stay in the human world hospital until you feel better. he will ensure your antibiotics are given the second it turns time to give them to you, he will be checking you temperature and making sure you get enough to drink. if your running a fever he will get a wet washcloth and push it against your face until you feel better. 

he wont be as lovey as the other boys, since he doesn't really want to get sick, but he will give you small forehead kisses and hold your hand. he will go wherever you go and wont let the doctors do anything without talking to him first. 


mammon is much sweeter and very anxcious. 

if your like me and have chronic illnesses he will be very worried and ask lucifer to take you both up to the human world for human medication. he will also discuss spells he could perform with Solomon, and go to simeon for help healing you. 

he will carry you around in his arms the whole time, and when you are sleeping he will stay with you the whole time, listening to you and your breathing, talking quietly and trying to make sure you sleep fine in general. he doesn't mind taking care of you at all, in fact he kind of enjoys it, someone trusting him with something as important as their health, is new to him, and he likes it. 

he will be very careful with you, and makes you each meal, ensures you eat those meals at least a little, and always gets you extra blankets. he will even do your homework, along with his own, just so you don't need to worry about it. 

he is a little bad at trying to get your med, he's more of concerned on making yoiou feel comfortable and fixing the immediate things you are feeling. he will cuddle you and crawl into bed if you ask him, he doesn't mind getting sick at all as long as he can help you. he might tease you about having a red nose from sniffling, but he knows your tired and actually lets up on his teasing. 

overall he is very sweet and kind when your sick, he just gets so worried about losing his human that he panics. 


he tried to get you to sleep through the sickness, but he wont be lazy and not take care of you. i know a lot of people think he would be the one falling asleep and leaving you to do the work, but i think that he is really sweet and concerned for you. 

even though he tried to kill you once, (happens to us all belphie its okay ) he is very concerned for your wellbeing. like lucifer he will employ the magical healing sidfe rather than the human world healing types. 

he will throttle solomon and simeon to help you, and he becomes even more protective towards you when you do get sick. he will let you sleep on his lap, pet your head and give you a gently kiss on your cheek. he gets terrified of you dieing from something like a disease, and that makes him want to solve it as quickly as possible 

he will make you soups, and help spoon feed them to you, even if its just a cold, he wont let you get out of bed, which is nice because normally your the one who has to do most of the work. he will get belphie to help him, since they never really separate from each other much, but otherwise he will try and make you as comfortable as possible, and use potions and magic to heal you faster.if its really bad, he will put you in a short coma just for three days so you don't have to suffer through the illness, he will make sure he enters your dreams a few times and that you don't have any nightmares. he will also make sure your properly fed and hydrated during the dreams, taking some human world appliances and giving you an IV. 

honestly im gonna end this one here, when im not sick i qill try to make a part two, but i can barely breath so im going to try to sleep before i go to work. i know i do not have covid though so don't worry, this is some preexisting conditions i have 

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