the morning after

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okay my lung flare up is over with and im off from work for the next couple of days. today is also my 14 year anniversary of being cured of HLH. its an extremely rare and lethal autoimmune disorder, im dying my hair to celebrate, and im gonna hang out with my bf tomorrow. im very happy :)

anyways, enjoy jealous mammon and angry protective beel. and a more serious and mature side of asmo ;).

  Every brother knew before they found their brother the next morning. Belphegore of course knew, he shared an emotional link with his brother and the minute he felt the amount of love and wanting in his body, and he was jealous at first. But he decided to hold back. Asmodeus found out the minute lust entered both of you. The headboard and bed scraped and slammed on the walls the whole night, making it quite obvious what the two of them were doing.

And to mammon, it was upsetting.

(mammons pov)

I found her when i went to beels room to ask if he wanted to go to breakfast. Of course it was just so i didnt have to pay for my meal, but who cares!

I knew he had brought someone home last night, but i wasnt sure who, i know lucifer and y/n got home before me, and went to sleep before me, i was told to stop bothering her at night by lucifer, which sucked since i missed her.

I went to his room, and slowly opened the door. Beel was a light sleeper, but he also got scared easily if he was woken up to suddenly. Ive had him shift into demon form and try to throw a dresser at me when i woke him up from as nightmare. Luckily belphie was there to hold him back and calm him down. Im fairly certain it was a dream about the celestial war.

I opened the door slowly, and first i saw nothing but beels bare back and sheets draped over him. I got closer, putting a gentle hand on his shoulder and trying to get a peak at the girl who might have caught his eye, i mean he doesnt do this often so shes gotta be something special right?

I slowly peaked over his shoulder, and caught sight of small (s/c) hands, brown hair covered her face, she was a little chubby, stretchmarks covered her hips and extended to the front of her stomach.

I moved her hair off her shoulder, and caught sight of a mark. A pact mark.

To my shock it was my own pact mark.


Her eyes opened, and suddenly she sat up, smacking away my hand. Beel woke up aswell, pushing me back from the bed and lunging towards me.

Panic, fear and confusion flooded my chest.

"Beel dont!"

y/n grabbed beels wrist and used her body weight to pull him back. His orange hair was a mess, anger and confusion cleared when he finally looked at me.

"M-mammon! Man im sorry you know i panic if im woken up like that-"

His sentence was drowned out. I was staring at y/n, i didnt know if i was angry that she was with him, or just the fact i had found her this way instead of her telling me. She was avoiding my gaze, pulling sheets around her and hiding her naked body, the one i wanted to be the first to touch.

I was supposed to be the first! I had made a pact with her! It wasnt fair, she was supposed to be mine! I was supposed to be her first time, i didnt care about the others after that, hell i couldnt care less about wether she liked any of my brothers. As long as i got to be her first.


"Mammon, we should probably talk about this later, i mean, you dont want to scare y/n d-"

tongue tied yandere!obeymexreaderWhere stories live. Discover now