NSFW things

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im only gonna do my favorite brothers in this one since that's the easiest to write about. but I will do the other brothers down the line. 


so many people think that he is a shy baby or something, but I think he is one of the most horny boys. i also think he hides it well. 

first off, this man has unlimited stamina. and his sex drive? oh gods. he can go all night, all morning, it doesn't matter. he's insatiable aswell. once he has a taste of you, he wants more and more. he is the avatar of gluttony after all. 

he masturbates in the shower, after the gym and after school. he used to take about thirty minutes to cum, but now that youve entered the scene, he takes about ten minutes.  he loves to fantasize about you underneath him. 


now, while I said he is incredibly horny and shit, I never said hes a womanizer. he isn't. in fact he likes to wait just a little bit more than you'd think to have sex. but that's because he wants to make sure he likes you and your not after him for sex. 

anyways, back to his kinks. 

size kink. 

the boy is GIANT and he loooooooooooves to hear you scream about how big he feels. he also likes to tell you how small you are, and how easy you break. he thinks its adorable when he pushes in and your already crying and moaning. 


he can go for hours, and he loves to go for hours. when the two of you have sex, you will be cumming a minimum of ten times. he makes sure of it. he loves how you twitch and your eyes roll into your head, how you practically go stupid with him inside of you. he loves it. 


he is a slut for praising you. saying very gentle words while he is being rough with you is what he LIVES for. his pace Is inhuman, but he always shushes you gently, telling you how good your doing, and how beautiful you look. he also loves it when you tell him how good he made you feel after sex. it almost gets him riled up for another round. 

breeding kink. 

while demons and humans cannot have kids together, beel loooooooves to think about cumming in you and making you pregnant with his kid. he will never cum anywhere besides your pussy, he thinks its a waist. and watching it drip slowly out of you, or seeing your belly slightly swollen from his loads is amazing. 


i think he is a sadist and enjoys seeing you cry from how big he is, he will spank you, maybe choke you but otherwise he wont go very far. he does enjoy biting a lot and gets carried away


okay so we know he is a beefy boy and really tall. and he most defiantly is well endowed. actually to well endowed. 

I'm talking ten inches soft. so when hes hard? your in trouble. but he makes you take every last inch. 

his loads are a lot aswell. even though he masturbates multiple times a day his balls are always swollen and needing to get emptied. and what better place to do that than inside his little human???? 


beel is very gentle afterwards. he helps you clean up, shower and feeds you. he is ravenous after sex because he goes for so long, and will end up feeding himself before you. but he is very gentle and will hold you while you sleep. once your awake, he will feed you some potions to help with the soreness and the pain. he will then urge you to go back to sleep. 

tongue tied yandere!obeymexreaderWhere stories live. Discover now