shared apartment HC

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eowwww back at it with not one, not two, but three chapters posted today. 


he keeps things tidy and clean. 

he doesn't know much about fixing stuff and normally you guys have to hire someone to fix plumbing, walls, etc. 

you both share in the amount of work you have to do, if one of you makes dinner, the other one has to clean up etc, he never leaves you out to dry with all the chores. 

when he gets back from work he likes to take a little time alone with you. wether that's a nice relaxing bubble bath or an hour long snuggle session. this is is way to keep himself sane and motivated to get shit done. after this hour long snuggle/bubble bath he will go into the room and finish up some work. 

since he is very clean he actually does most of the heavy work, i know i said you guys share in it, but he does some of the heavier things like wiping down baseboards, scrubbing the toilet./ bathroom. in turn you vaccume, tidy surfaces and organize stuff. 

the two of you get in fights sometimes, normally because lucifer cannot set aside his pride/ego and admit he was wrong. it gets frustrating, you both yell at each other for probably an hour before one of your storms out. if it is his fault he will come back thirty minutes later with a massive heartfelt apology and some type of jewelry. 


he is messy. but its organized chaos. 

if you ask him to find a paperclip, he will know the exact location in the mess. you do a little bit more house work than he does, but he never asks you to clean up his messes. you clean shared spaces, but he handles his books and his small desk area, he feels bad asking you to clean it up. 

he's read up a decent amount when it comes to ficing things so he can do a good majority of it. 

when he's done with work it can go multiple ways. if he's had a bad day at work and is angry he will pull you away from whatever your doing, drag you to the couch, make you sit down and buries his face in your lap while you gently run your fingers through his hair. sometimes he vents, sometimes he cries, sometimes he does nothing. this goes on for about an hour, sometimes he asks you to read or sing to him. the other way is when he has a good day at work. he will walk in, give you akiss and offer to cook dinner for the two of you. he will cook, you will both actually clean up afterwards and then he will pick you up and the two of you will shower, with shower sex of course. 

satan has a bad temper, and when he is in a bad mood and gets pushed he will explode and yell/ scream at you. however, he will immediately run over to you and hug you and apologize for hours. he hates how angry he gets and never wants you to be afraid of him. he goes to therapy to try and help himself keep calm so that he doesn't yell at you and he works extremely hard. this is why its such an odd occurrence. however if he doesn't apologize its because he has stormed out to keep himself from hurting you. 


actually extremely clean. he has so many anime figurines etc on display that he is always dusting and cleaning off. he does most of the work, not you. he doesn't really care that you don't do it either, he could care less. 

he works from home as a streamer/ youtube (shocker), and its normally you coming home to him. he waits around for you, sulking slightly because other people get to be around you/ talk to you and touch you. he gets jealous and as soon as you get home he kisses you and lifts you up and hugs you. if you smell like other guys he will get a little jealous and sometimes overbearing. 

tongue tied yandere!obeymexreaderWhere stories live. Discover now