dinner time

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asmodeus pov

the human was a curious little thing. curious, and quite beautiful. she seemed withdrawn, keeping her hands to herself, her body seemingly gaurded from some invisible enemy. she looked around with big eyes though, wonder and amazement mingled in with her anxiety. 

it was a nice look. one that made my heart flutter oddly. 

i had seen many beautiful things in my time. i had seen many beautiful people. but when lucifer told me this was the human who would be staying with us? i was amazed. 

her body looked so soft. her thighs were soft, squishy, and supple looking. i want to lay y head on them, run my fingers over the stretchmarks that were visible and kiss them gently. it made a fire stir inside of me to see her in that skirt. she was busty, her shirt barely containing her boobs, the buttons looked like they were ready to pop when she took in deep breaths. her face, her cheeks were so soft, I wanted to kiss them gently. i wanted to kiss those soft pouty lips. her smile was intoxicating to. i oved the way her cheeks dimpled brightly, her eyes shining. 

but when her smile left. 

i hadn't realized I was pushing her so much. i forgot how cruel humans are to their own kind. i never understood the idea that someone was inferior to another because of their size. but when my fingers began to work the buttons on her shirt, she looked scared and anxious. 

i never wanted her to look at me like this again. 

beel had beenthere to. i don't know what he was thinking, but all I wanted was to pull her into my embrazce. she was such a sweet looking human. 

why did I feel this way though? normally I could apologize, not a hint of guilt. but here I was, staring down at the table feeling nothing but shame for my actions. i wanted to comfort her. tell her that I never meant anything by it. 

when i left her room i felt an empty ach in my chest. my mind kept torturing me with that look of sadness on her face. 

i had caused it. i made her so upset. 

i gently smoothed down my hair, taking a breath as my brothers entered the dining room. my mind hadn't been able to stop reeling and thinking of her for the past hour. 

we had set up her phone, given her a phone number and shown her around the apps. Beel had helped her download delivery services so she could get food. i felt a twinge of something when i saw her laugh with him. he wasn't nearly as handsome as me, so why did she act this way?

what was i thinking? a silly human was getting me so worked up!

i explained to her the duffel bag, which was filled with little things from each of the brothers. lucifer insisted we get her gifts so she would feel more welcome. i knew she would enjoy some type of self care items, and the smile on her face told me i was right. 

i smiled, remember the way she blushed slightly and thanked me. i craved more of that look. i wonder how i could tease her, pull even brighter blushes from her. maybe one day i could-


i was pulled from my thoughts by the sound of my brother. 

"hm? satan? yes?" i asked. 

"how was y/n?" he asked, sitting next to me. 

he wasn't normally concerned with the other members of the house. then again, i could feel that each of my brothers wanted her in some way. one of the perks of being the avatar of lust was that i knew who anyone liked. 

"good, she should be here in a minute. she said she wanted to shower before dinner." i said. 

he clicked his tongue. 

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