movie night

804 21 6

i realized im getting excited to get to the end of the week in this timeline, and i need to slow down and take it a little slower so i don't rush the finish. 

also we haven't really had any fluff moments, kind just toxic manipulation and that's not all yandere relationships are about! their also about murder and abuse but that's for later. enjoy some sweet fluffy goodness between our boys before the shit hits the fan and your character is forever traumatized :)))))




(time skip to like noon the next day)

levi and satan and i had played video games for a good portion of the night. of course we eventually needed sleep, and that resulted in satan carrying me back to my room. 

he gently kissed my forehead and let me sleep by myself. 

it was about lunch time, and i was bored. 

the entire day i had been looking for mammon, he had my phone and i wanted it back. but i got tired halfway through looking and took another nap. 

the boys brought me breakfast, satan had cooked french toast and eggs. he reminded me to eat enough, and stayed with me until i had finished the whole plate. 

now i was in the kitchen, aimlessly walking around and dieing of boredom. 

"y/n? why do you look so bored dear?" lucifer asked. 

he made me jump when he walked in, i almost bumped into the counter but he smoothly placed a hand on my shoulder to stop me. 

"careful love." 

"im boooored." i whined. 

he raised an eyebrow and let his arm fall to his side. 



"whats levi doing?" he asked. 

"im not sure, i tried to go into his room but the doors locked. i think he might be sleeping still. we played games for a long time." i said. 

"and satan?" 

"reading, but i want something else to do other than read a book. belphie is asleep, beel went to the gym, and mammon is nowhere to be found!"

i counted off the location of each brother on my hands. 

"have you check with asmo?"

"hm, you know i haven't really seen him around." i said. 

"i beileive he's at a modeling gig. he spoke to me about attending one this week. i doubt he will be gone long." lucifer said. 

"well he's been gone long enough. mammon still has my phone on him. it needed to be charged so i gave it to him." i explained. 

lucifer nodded slowly. 


he pulled out a chair and i took a seat, lucifer sat across from me and rubbed his eyes. i started to feel bad for whining so much. no doubt he was buried to his neck in paperwork. 

"how do you think we could solve this darling?" he asked. 

he looked like he was about to negotiate a contract with me, it was a little funny how serious he was taking this. 

"i mean i don't know. i just don't want to be bored. if you could get my phone from mammon that would be nice." i said. 

he smiled and shook his head. 

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