step 3

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ooooh the end is getting close. 

will you get to the celestial realm? or will the brothers get to keep you. 

who knows! well, i know but im not telling yet. 

Luke and simeon were trying their best to ease their worried minds. Solomon knew it wasn't good for them to sit there and stew in their failure, he insisted that they needed to relax. 

but how could they relax? 

simeon was scrolling endlessly through his phone, bored out of his mind. th more he tried not to think about Y/n the harder it became. 

"why don't we play a board game?" Luke asked quietly. 

solomon was there to ensure no one was talking about Y/n. while he was equally as scared for the young women, he knew that right now, they weren't going to kill her. as long as she could play along, she could live the rest of her life there. that was if she could play along. 

solomon waved his hand and a stack of games floated from the shelf and into the room. 

"what do we want to play?" simeon asked. 

he stood up, ready to decide for th others, when his phone rang. 

he jumped slightly and looked at the caller. 


he scoffed and hit decline, there was no way he was going to sit there and let that bastard act like he wasn't hurting that human. to his shock he called again. 

simeon looked at Luke, then solomon. the two ran to his side, trying to get a good position to hear. 

simeon hit accept and put the phone to his ear. 

"s-simeon? simeon?" 

a hushed voice came from the other line. it was y/n! she had stolen mammons phone. 

"Y/n? are you alright? is everything okay?" simeon asked quickly. 

"there's no time, you need to get me now. lucifer, there all crazy. i need your help, i don't care what it means i need y-"

there was a distant knock. 

"bunny? are you in here?"

simeons stomach dropped and heard a quiet whimper from the other line. 

"save me simeon, please i don't know if i can make it through the punishment for this." 

the line went dead. the dial tone ringing in simeons ears, the humans words swimming around in his mind. 

"what does she mean? have they been hurting her?" luke asked. 

"i don't know, but we need Micheal and diavolo, now."

(pov change)

my heart slammed in my chest as mammon knocked nervously on the door. 

"bunny, are you in there? please say something." 

"a-ah yes, yes i had to use the restroom im so sorry i woke you up. can i have just another minute please?" she asked. 

the phone began to shake in her hands, the knob shook slightly as mammon tried to open the door. 

"h-hey, lucifer told you not to lock doors bunny, could you let me in? i want to make sure your alright." mammon said. 

tongue tied yandere!obeymexreaderWhere stories live. Discover now