authors note

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OKAY so im sorry if updates have been slow I know I said id do better but I have a lot of medical conditions and shits been crazy. rip bozo :'). anyways, I'm gonna update maybe two more times, at least one more chapter because I have not been writing much and I need to do better with that. 

i am probs getting a job so that's nice. also this story has way more traction than my other yandere story, and its just at the beginning. 

please please vote up the chapters! this will help me get more readers. and then I will be more consistent with posting I swear. 

once again I do requests. and I do kinky smut, cause I'm a kinky mf. so make requests on authors note pages and I will make you a oneshot. 

thanks for reading!!!!! 

tongue tied yandere!obeymexreaderWhere stories live. Discover now