dinner time

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"solomon? you shouldnt be here." i said quietly. 

i looked towards the door and down at my phone. someone could walk out any second now. or look out from a window and see him. what the hell is he doing here?

"y/n, i needed to speak to you in person. i know lucifer almost walked in on us discussing earlier." Solomon said. 

i took a slow step towards him and he took a few steps towards me. i wasn't giddy to be in the same vicinity as him. not after what he had almost done to me. but i would listen to what he had to say for right now. 

"what do you need then?" i asked. 

he cleared his throat and looked towards the door. 

"i understand that you might not fully beieleive me. but that okay, I'm working on a special potion, its going to reveal the boys true intentions to you, and once you know that they are evil, i have a room in Purgatory ha-"

"y/n? hey who ar-"


i jumped a foot in the air when i felt a large hand on my back and the smell of colonge filled the air. 

"you. what the hell are you doing here?" beel growled. 

he grabbed my elbow, and i saw his eyes flicker with magic. 

"beel its okay!" i exclaimed. i reached for his large hand and tried to pull him towards me, but he walked right to Solomon. the man towered over him, and i could see a hint of fear in solomons eyes. 

"i was just apologizing. and she left her bracelet with me so i thought id return it. i tried to earlier, but i was interrupted by lucifer." Solomon replied cooly. 

he tried to move towards me, a bracelet appearing in his hand, but beel blocked him. 

"don't you go near her." he growled. 

his eye twitched when solomon tried to step closer. quickrer than i could blink, beel grabbed solomons hand and neck and shoved his back to the wall with a hard thunk. my stomach lurched at the sound and i saw solomon wince. i stepped forward to hear the threat beel was saying. 

"you come near our precious human again, and you will be dealing with not just me, but luciver and satan. you think what my twin put you through is easy? i will make that look like a cake walk." he growled. 

his voice was low and his eyes were glowing with anger. i could see the obvious fear in  solomons face. beel snatched the bracelet from his hand and thrust it backwards, towards me. 

solomon caught my eye and nodded his head. i took it from beel, and he finally let go of Solomon. 

"if i see you, or smell you around my human again, i will kill you, runt." beel spat. 

solomon slowly backed away and took off to the exit. i wasn't sure how he got here but i wasmt able to watch him for much longer. 

beel placed his hand on my hip and drew me in closer. i didn't realize it was a hug until his warmth had enveloped me and he was completely hunched over. his face was tucked in my shoulder, his massive arms circling around my entire body and pulling me in tightly. 

"tch, now you smell like him. you need to stay away from him." beel said. 

his voice still held an edge, one that scared me a little. i didn't think someone as sweet, kinda clueless, and gentle could be so mean. but he held me tightly, he was incredibly warm aswell, and even though he was so mean to Solomon, he was gentle. 

i put my arms around his broad back, leaning into his hug. he gently rubbed his face against my shoulder, i thought i could hear him purring. 

"you can smell him?" i asked quietly. 

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