a new dawn

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all the brothers were tired, exhausted from the day. 

lucifer had been with y/n all day, they weren't entirely sure what they were doing, but each brother was anxious to go see her. they didn't want to believe what belphegore had told them. 

she had tried to run. 

she found a polaroid that lucifer had taken before the exchange program, she was sleeping, and he had been watching her and had taken a picture to keep. the others were surprised at first, but then sadness and anger set in. 

had luke caused this? it had to be him right? she had told them she wouldn't leave, she had promised the boys. i mean this was their human, their y/n, the love of their lives. belphegore told them about how she tried to run, tried to join luke and get out of the house. 

but why?

why did she do that? there was no need! they weren't going to hurt her, they loved her so much it hurt to even think about being without her. 

why would she leave then?

(POV change)

my body was a festering mass of pain. lucifer was breathing heavily above me, his hair tangled and messy, an insane look in his eyes as he stared down at me. 

my nose was pouring blood down my face, tears stained my cheeks and my head throbbed. my chest felt broken, my limbs were like lead. 

there wasn't an inch of me that had escaped the eldests anger. 

the entire time he told me how angry he was. punctuating each sentence with an impossibly hard hit. my heart squeezed with sadness and fear, how was i supposed to leave now? would they let me go to school?

luke knows i asked for his help, that means simeon will be here soon right?

but he never came. 

each one of lucifers kicks became more and more painful, but they never ever stopped. 

"p-please lucifer." 

i sobbed out for him to stop. i loved him, and he loved me. why was he doing this? why was he so angry? why did he have that photo?

so many questions, with no answers. 

"begging? like a pathetic bitch?"


he slammed a kick into my chest. i curled in on myself and tried to breath. i hadn't ever been in this much pain before. i looked to the door, and the man towering over me. 

"what? you think you can escape? im not done with you. and the others arent happy either!" he yelled. 

"i-i said im s-s-sorry." i sobbed. 

he moved towards me and i flinched, a twisted smile plastered on his face. 

"but you hurt us! do you know how much we love you? and you would walk away from us? we keep you safe!"


"we feed you."


"pleasure you."


my brain felt like mush. there were red and yellow bruises all over me, cuts and scrapes. the back of my head was even bleeding from running into a shelf. 

i tried to scoot back but he laughed. 

"look at you! pathetic without us! you would've died without us, you cant even see how much you need us can you?" he asked. 

tongue tied yandere!obeymexreaderWhere stories live. Discover now