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i woke up in mammons room. his arm was tucked gently around me, his face above mine as he snored softly. 

my foot throbbed slightly, but i paid little attention to it, instead a i maneuvered myself so that i could see mammon. 

he looked so peaceful now. his eyes were shut and his mouth was slightly open as he slept. if i didn't know any better id say he looks kind of like an angel. 

the mark on my shoulder felt warm, kind of like his hand was still there, pulling me into him even more. i wonder if it'll always feel like that. i know i wanted to ask beel first, but things change. mammon was so nice and helpful last night, it just seemed like the right thing to do . 

and i doubt beel wants to see me at this point. last night was embarrassing. i bet belphie feels the same way. 

although... everytime i think about it i cant help but feel a tug in my heart. 

mammons shifting brought me back to the present. 

i watched his eyes slowly crack open, a small amount of blue peeking out, before sliding shut as he gulped. 

"morning human." he said. 

his voice was deep and raspy, kind of like he yelled for a few hours before. his teeth had gone back to being perfectly human and white. his nails were no longer claw-like. his white hair was a mess, but it looked nice on him. he looked... handsome. 

i reached up and moved a lock of hair away from his eyes, earning a sigh from mammon. 

"whats wrong?" i asked. 

"yer interrupting my sleep. be still would ya'?" he growled. 

my cheeks grew red and i stopped moving as much. I'm surprised he hasn't pulled away, but everytime i move even a little bit away from him he grips me tighter. 

he's actually really sweet. and when he's calm and quiet and nice to me i kind of enjoy his presence. i think he gets stressed out by his brothers, they are pretty mean to him all the time. in reality i think hes quite sweet. 

i nuzzled against his chest, earning a slightly happy sounding sigh from mammon. his hand gently ran back and forth on my back, never dipping past my hips. he was quite a gentleman. 

i was beginning to get back to sleep when there was a loud knock. 

"y/n dear! I'm coming in!" a shrill panicked voice said .

i had hardly anytime to react, neither did mammon. 

the door flew open to reveal a scared looking asmodeus, whose jaw dropped in horror as a shrill scream escaped him. 

mammon shot away from me, almost toppling off the process. 

"oh dear y/n! what did he make you do! did mammon force you to sleep in his bed all night! hes cruel i know come here darling!" 

he ran to me and enveloped me in a tight, flower scented hug. 

he pet my head and lifted me up. 

"you poor thing, i bet your so upset by this. i knew he would try to be the first one. hes quite a scumbag and worthless if you ask me, come on now darling ill t-"

"he didn't force me to do anything Asmo! just wait a second!" i announced. 

if my foot wasn't injured i would've pushed asmodeus away, but if i fell down i would land on my bad foot and thing would get ugly. 

asmodeus looked more shocked than when he found mammon and i in his bed together. one glance at mammon told me he didn't expect that answer to actually come out of me. but i wasn't going to lie for no reason. who knows what lucifer might do if i did say mammon forced me into something. 

"w-w-what do you mean love?" asmodeus asked. he fixed his face from extreme shock to confusion. his eyes darted between mammon and i. 

"after i asked to make a pact with-"


his scream made me flinch slightly, his voice could really get shrill if he wanted it to be. 


"lucifer told me to make a pact with you guys so he would know if i was in trouble." i explained. 

"but mammons, mammons useless! hes a greedy, good for nothing, human stealing-"

"i didn't steal nothin'!"

"scumbag, no good, useless,dumbass-"

"hes not! he was really nice to me last night when everyone else was trying to... do things with me!" i yelled. 

asmodeus became silent, his eyes looking from me to mammon and back. 

"make a pact with me then!" he announced. 

his eyes began to glow pink, his hand reached out for me. 


i was pulled backwards, and asmodeus had his hand on mammons chest. 

"yer' makin' so much goddamn noise so early in the fuckin' morning you know? and disturbing the human out of her sleep like that? then demandin' a pact with her. its insulting to yerself' and to her!" mammon said. 

he glared at his brother, and asmodeus pulled his hand away and wiped it on his pants. he side stepped his brother and looked at me apologetically. 

"I'm sorry dearest, i shouldn't have done that the moron is right. all i was told was that lucifer left you alone with mammon all night and i feared the worst you know? they also wanted me to tell you that breakfast is ready." asmodeus said. 

he looked a little upset as he walked out, his normal glow was dulled just a bit. 

"that was-"

"ya okay?" mammon asked. 

he turned around, hands gently taking my ankle and examining the bandages. his eyebrows were knit together in concern. there was a deep frown on his face as he looked me in the eyes. 

"I'm alright thank you mammon. are you okay though, he said some pretty mean stuff." i said. 

"tch, you humans are so soft! what he said was nothin'" mammon replied. 

he gave me a shy smile and set down my leg. 

"you really should get something to eat though. ill carry ya'" he said. 

"i am starving."

i replied. 

he smiled and lifted me up, as i looked up at his eyes i felt a familiar tug in my chest. and even though i refused to acknowledge it was there, it would only grow. not just for mammon, but for each brother.

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