headcannons: wearing their shirts

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so since the next chapter is gonna be all mammon, and hint hint hyour going to be in his clothes, I'm not going to do mammon in this one. eoooooow. 


he doesn't have t-shirts but he has lots of button ups and small jackets. 

he finds it super cute but refuses to say it when you put on his shirts. they are a little big on you so you don't even have to wear pants with them. he likes it when you sit on his lap with his shirt on while he works. the view is nice for him. 

"hm? y/n you know that's mine right? you do? its very large on you, do you want your own then? no? your quite the odd one arent you, i would've thought you'd want one that actually fit you. you look like your drowning in fabric you know. but, whatever you like then.  are you off to bed? actually,  why don't you come sit on my lap while i finish my work."


cat. hoodie. 

he has a special cat hoodie with cat ears on it, and its a little overside so the sleeves are like sweater paws. he will blush furiously and if you ask him whats the matter he will refuse to tell you what it is. however, get him drunk and he will sing your praises the whole night. he likes you to wear a bell collar with it on cause he's really into pet play. he likes to lay his head on your thighs while your wearing just the hoodie and listen to you read aloud. it calms him immediately. 

"w-why are you wearing that terrible thing? i have no opinion on the clothes you wear y/n why would you ask if i like it! such a silly little human! where did you ever find that dreadful thing anyways? in my closet? i think your mistaken, i would never buy something so stupid. who even likes cats anyways? ugh, why don't you- why don't you read me a story. my eyes are tired. sit here, and let me rest on my head on your legs."


he doesnt really have t-shirts, kind of like lucifer he dresses a little nicer than everyone. however, if you wear one of his light jackets with the zipper, or one of the very very few hoddies he owns he will glow with happiness (and lust) and you will be getting your brains fucked out. he doesnt seem possessive, but he is, and seeing you in HIS clothes with HIS cologne on you drives him bonkers. your in for a long night darlin. 

"oh my! you look so AMAZING! who would think a human like yourself would earn such high praise from someone as amazing as me! i know, its crazy, but I'm being true. the way the fabric huge your body is very... hm, i think i might need to explore how this looks a little more. maybe you should come here, ill dim the lights a bit. maybe undo a few buttons my sweet darling human... so gorgeous, amazing."


the boy always wears hoodies, maybe a t-shirt once or twice. he really likes it when you wear one of his bigger hoodies, he thinks it makes you look so sweet and tiny and he loves to look at you like that. he likes the cow print one on you the most, and if you wear that he will grab you, take you to the attic and hold you all night as he sleeps. your getting nowhere, so i suggest you go to sleep with an empty bladder and with a glass of water by your side in case your thirsty. 

"eh? howd you get your hands on that human? hm, well i like it. a lot. next time just ask to wear it and ill let you. no pants? how naughty, you know your crawling in bed ith a demon, who knows what i might do to a foolish human like you huh? heh, just kidding, mostly. now please, come here. I'm tired and i cant sleep properly without you."


this is the jolly green giant, his shirts are dresses on you and he LOVES it. if you wear one of his slightly see through white t shirts he will drool over you and follow your around like a little puppy. he gets possessive fast so make sure its only the brothers that are home. if anyone else was to see his darling bunny in nothing but his sheer shirt he might kill them, I'm not kidding. he likes to pull you on his chest and rub your back. normally it turns into a night of fucking but that's alright, right? he will not stop with the comments about being small and tiny, he has a size kink, what do you expect. 

"o-oh! your just the smallest human I think ive ever seen. your basically swimming in fabric your quite cute. i never imagined i was that much bigger than you~ just kidding little one, your the smallest thing ive ever seen. now, why don't you come here and lay with me. i want you to help me decide where we should eat for our next date. I'm thinking somewhere with lots of spicy food. your body must be sore, someone so small really shouldn't be doing as much as you do, let me give you aback rub while you lay here okay?"


he only owns graphic tees. his shirts are only slightly big on you, meaning if you don't wear pants he will be able to see your underwear. he blushes a whole bunch and mutters something about a dating simulator or something, your not really sure since you never have enough time to listen before he turns back to his game/ anime. he tries not to stare at you because he forgets that the two of you are together. he loves it when you sit on his lap and hug him in just his shirt while he plays his game. he's the avatar of envy so he gets so jealous, so when his scent, clothes and arms are around/on you, he feels at peace with the world. 

"h-hey! you know y-your not really wearing any pants! w-what do you mean that's the whole point!!!! you don't do this for someone else do you? is this a prank? are you trying to make a fool outta me? no? hmph, your playing to many romance games you know! and that's a very limited edition ruri-chan shirt so don't you dare mess it up alright human! he-hey what are you doing climbing on me! o-oh you want to spend time with me? a gross otaku? humans must be insane. but don't move, i-im okay with this, as long as I'm the only one you do this with!!! why don't you sit on my lap then, yeah ill play video games. perfect..."

i actually had a lot of fun writing this, what do you guys think? 

please give me more headcannons!!! i do requests so just leave comments, i might do one more of these since it was so much fun, plus i know i haven't given yall much since ive been working. ill try to do one more Headcannon. 

i really like doing the little quote thing, and i feel like i captured each person very well, :P. anyways, don't forget to vote on the chapters so more people can read!!! at five hundred reads ill do a QandA i geuss.

tongue tied yandere!obeymexreaderWhere stories live. Discover now