when you say you love them, yandere edition

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For the sake of this it will be taking place atleast two years after you guys began to 'date'


He isnt the easiest person to get along with even when he is just a normal person, and yandere lucifer is not much better.

I do hc him as the mom friend and total RA, but i dont think he understands how to take care of another person at all. A lot of the time he forgets your human and that your body cannot take the same amount of damage as his can. So when he is 'teaching' you something its cruel and most definitely torture.

But it wouldnt be yandere without abuse now owuld it?

Youve learned to never admit how much you hate him or say that you dont love him, of course hes not stupid enough to beileive you when you say it back to him, hes not like his idiotic brothers at all. He knows you do it to avoid another'lesson' from him. Which he takes into consideration and decides not to punish you.

In reality he just wants you to be happy and safe and never leave his side, is that so bad? Why cabnt you understand that he is terrified of you being hurt. Or being around another demon.

When you finally say it, it would be because of stockholm syndrome setting in. but he wouldnt understand that. To him this is an honest confession he has patiently (not really) waited for from you. The way that your eyes shine and the smile on your face is no longer forced in his opinion. It looks genuine, and beautiful.

He is overcome with joy, but he will only show you part of it. Things will become easier after you confess to him though. He will remember that you need food and water to survive, and might even take you out (not letting you out of the car of course) to get some food. Once hes sure your not lieing to him again he will start to reveal softer parts of himself. He wont make you kneel by him while he works. And if he does he will frequently rest his hand on your head and play with your hair, letting you know that hes working quickly so he can get back to being with you.


We all know this man craves any type of love and affection. Show when you show even the slightest hint of affection he is overjoyed. But when you actually confess to being in 'love' with him?

Hes never been happier.

Your the only person he has ever wanted to love. Your the only person he has ever wanted attention from so badly it hurts. He cant be away from you for more than a few hours without going crazy. Its part of why he decided to take you away.

Hes very nice to live with, and actually doesnt dole out punishments to often. Hes incredibly delusional and is easily distracted even when angry.

However when he sees how your lip trembles, and how you kiss him more gently than ever he will realize its truly really happening.

Your in love with him!!! Finally. About time.

I mean whats not to love about him? Hes handsome, smart, handsome, hot, he can sing, did i mention hes handsome? Yeah? Well, hes handsome.

Things already werent horrible when he had you. But now they would actually become.. Somewhat normal?

Now that he knows your in love with him and completely dependant on him, he knows he can finally let youiout. With his suppervision of course. He cant let someone steal up his cute girl can he? He will take you out on real dates, of course he will buy out the place and make sure the two of you are alone, but its still a date right? He will get you anything you want, the minute you want it. Unless its letting you out on your own.

tongue tied yandere!obeymexreaderWhere stories live. Discover now