the theater

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the boys had taken their time getting me home. no doubt they didn't want me to leave even after I had promised I would spend time with them one on one. by the time we got back I had about an hour and a half. 

i practically sprinted to my room, ignoring beels recquest to eat something. asmodeus was trailing after me, saying something about helping me shower? but I hit my room and began to strip, at this point I didn't really care about who saw me. 

i jumped into the bath, and turned on the hot water. it only took seconds to heat up! it was s o much different from my apartment back home. the water took at least five minutes to heat up, and even then I would have to take cold showers sometimes. my water bill was always much higher than I thought it should have been aswell. 

i got under the water, and made sure my hair was completely wet. Asmodeus had given me shampoo to try out. it smelled like peaches and flowers. 

i massaged it quickly into my hair and rinsed it out just as fast. i know its not a very good way to clean your hair but it took forever for me to dry my hair. i put in conditioner, and left it in as I washed my body. the body wash smelled like roses, it was really nice and left my skin feeling smooth and soft. i had to admit asmodeus had taste. 

i washed myself out and got out of the bath. wrapping a towel around my waist I shuffled out of the steam filled room to find Asmodeus sifting through my closet. 

"you know we must take you shopping dear." he said. 

"isn't that enough clothes?" is sked. 

he froze, and spun around, a horrified look on his face. 

did I offend him?

"my dear, you can NEVER have enough clothes! I'm insulted you'd ask me that you know? tsk, what will I ever do with you!"

I sighed and pat myself dry. 

"okay try this t-shirt and jean combo. baggy shirts and tight bottoms are soooo in right now." he said. 

i went over to my bed and examined the band shirt he had pulled from the closet, and the pale blue skinny jeans he had set out. 

"I dunno, don't you think I should try something a little nicer?" I asked. 

he frowned and shook his head. 

"ugh, you don't want to look like your trying to hard darling. solomon will be turned off by that!" asmodeus said. 

"I'm not trying to turn him o-"

"ill be in the bathroom, get changed dear!" asmodeus said in a sing song voice. 

i tied my hair up in the towel and put on the clothing that had been picked out. i was wearing a red sports bra and a black pair of underwear to match underneath. 

i knocked on the door and pulled my towel off my head. 

"why don't you let me do your hair darling?" asmodeus asked. 

i shrugged and nodded as I sat in front of my mirror. Asmodeus looked overjoyed and brought a hair dryer and brush out. 

i allowed him to untangle and blow dry my hair. there was a lot to move through, so he had to section it off before applying products to each section. 

he had me turned towards him as he fixed my bangs for me. 

"alright sweety!" 

he let me turn around. my hair was smooth and shiny and silky. normally I preferred to have it look a little more messy, since it had more volume that way, but who was I to protest with one of the oldest fashionistas ever?

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