strike 2

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after an oddly timed nap i finally woke up. 

my stomach was growling, i was starving for some food. 

belphegore was no longer holding me, so i sat up to look around for him. 

i found the room oddly empty, the door was shut and the house was quiet. he most likely went for water, but i hope he came back soon. i wasn't ready to stand up just yet, but my hunger was building. 

i looked around the room. there were posters of various bands, the pillows and decor didn't have a specific mood. it seemed like it was put together in a rush. i wasn't surprised that belphegore had a private napping area though. being in beels room would be to noisy for him, with the television or videogames going on. the living room was noisy for obvious reasons, and its not like he could borrow one of the brothers rooms. they were all centered together so any noise from one would easily travel to the other rooms. 

this place was isolated and quiet. a perfect place for belphegore to hang out in. the walls were thicker and made from stone so its less likely noise from inside or out would travel in. 

i rolled onto my back and looked up at the ceiling. small candles dangled down giving it a warm glow. a light switch on the wall could be used to dim them and turn them off. 

honestly i wouldn't mind living here if they added a minifridge for snacks and a television or computer. 

oh damn it. i left my phone with mammon. 

i had forgotten to grab it before he left, which meant i couldn't text anyone to see where belphie went. which meant i had to get up soon. 

i grumbled quietly about not wanting to get up, even though i was the only one in the room. i missed satan and levi. i could go visit them and ask them if they wanted some food. 

i crawled through the island of pillows and stood up. i twisted the door knob and tried to open the door. i sighed in annoyance when it didn't budge. many of the doors locked from the outside, or even automatically whenever you left them. lucifer told me he had done this when they were younger to keep the brothers from going into rooms they weren't allowed in. the attic must've been one of these rooms. 

i pulled on the knob, hoping it was old enough that it would break with enough force. i don't know why belphie would let the door shut if he knew i would be trapped inside. how does he leave this room if he shuts the door anyways?

i tried the knob one more time and then sighed. 

time for desperate measures. 

i took in a deep breath and screamed as loudly and painfully as i could. if anyone was below me there was no doubt they wouldn't hear it, unless this room was just that soundproof. 

i pulled on the door before letting out another scream. i figured if someone heard me they would think i was hurt and come running. i had played pranks on people by doing this before. but now i was just annoyed. 

i sighed after a few minutes when nothing happened. 

there had to be some other way. 

i sat down on the floor and stared at the posters. most of them were from musical groups from the humans world. but i saw one of them with a familiar looking symbol on it. 

that's when i remembered my pact mark!

i cursed myself for being stupid, and tapped on my pact mark that was on my shoulder. i wasn't sure how to signal mammon, but i had seen him do it before. 

"mammmmon. im hungry!"

i continued to tap aimlessly on my shoulder for a good five minutes. my frustration was beginning to build up as the mark didn't change or feel any different. 

tongue tied yandere!obeymexreaderWhere stories live. Discover now