escape room

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Luke barrelled into the car. his heart pounding his mind a million miles an hour. 

"what happened where is she?" simeon asked. 

satan and asmodeus were both outside, their demon forms out, prepared to confront us. 

"drive simeon!"

he didn't think twice, but put the pedal to the floor as we drove away from the house. 

"it went bad, it went very bad." luke said. 

the angel was shaking, he knew he had failed and given the human a whole worlds worth of trouble. he tugged on his hair, breathing rapidly. 

"just tell me what happened." simeon yelled. 

"we have to go to micheal now, we cant wait. he was so angry, he found us in his room, they came back early i don't know why! we were searching his room and i found a photo of her, it was taken while she was in the human world." luke explained. 

simeons face paled and his grip on the wheel tightened. things were moving far faster than he though, she could be hurt as they were speaking. 

"did she volunteer to stay luke?" he asked. 

"sh-she asked for our help when she found it bu-"

"damn it Luke did she stay willingly!" simeon yelled. 

luke had never known simeon to yell. 

"y-yes, he didn't grab her and force her to stay." luke said. 

shame and guilt filled his chest. how could he allow this to happen? how could he fail so badly to protect her? there was no telling the terrible things they would do. 

simeon was silent, his mind was moving through various protocols on involvement with humans. he searched and wracked every corner of his brain to figure out something, anything to help the poor girl. 

"i-i have to talk to micheal, he has to help us." simeon muttered. 

"can he? i-i mean she asked for my help, she told me to get her out of here she was going to leave until lucifer caught us!" luke yelled. 

both angels were trembling. neither of them expected to fail so badly. 

"why were they here! why were they early damn it!" luke yelled. 

simeon shook his head. 

"they knew, they saw through my plan and they left. lucifer they just bolted out of the palace. i didn't think if diavolo was there that they would do that! m-maybe its him, maybe we need to talk to him." simeon said. 

he pulled into the driveway, simeon was outside ready to receive an injured human. and when he saw luke and simeon sprint out empty handed, his already ashen face paled further. 

"we need to get micheal now. we need him to give us permission to override her consent to stay with the brothers. she isn't thinking right." simeon explained. 

luke followed quickly behind him, solomon was stunned for a moment before following. 

"can he do anything? i mean-"

"he has to!" simeon yelled.

for the first time he stopped, luke could see his shoulders trembling his dark brown hair disheveled. 

"he has to luke he has to-"

tears rolled down his face, he felt hopeless, he felt like this was all his fault. th eplan had gone so horribly wrong, and now they could kill her and keep her here forever. he couldn't let her suffer that fate. 

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