the first confession

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my night with lucifer had been amazing. we had gone out to eat, and afterwards we went and got icecream together. it was a little chilly, since it was always night time down here, but i had no problem with that. 

i got home around 10, and for some reason i was still so full of energy. 

i went to my room immediately, stripping off my nicer clothes and exchanging them for my pajamas. i wiped and washed off my face, using a cleanser that asmodeus had recommended me. it worked really well and left my skin so clear. 

i wasn't sure on what i should do, im fairly certain all the other boys were asleep right now, so i chose to go out to the living room and sit on the couch. 

the hallways were silent, there wasn't a trace of anyone else around. which made it feel creepy. even though i knew no one was around, i felt as if someone was watching me. i wheeled a little quicker into the living room and looked around. there was no one here. silence was a rare thing in this house and i planned on taking full advantage of it. 

i looked for the remote to the television, turned it on, and kept the volume low. i managed to climb up on the couch and stretched out, flicking through channel after channel. 

i finally found a human world program where they showed late night cartoons, adult swim, which was one of my favorite things to watch i got a little more comfortable on the couch and i was about to settle in when i heard a quiet shuffle from the other room. 

i tensed up a little bit, hoping it was just my imagination and nothing else. 

i went back to my show, anxiety still in the bottom of my stomach. and for a while i heard nothing. 


i jumped and yelped and looked towards the kitchen. 

"damn it!"

i sighed with relief when i heard one of the brothers voices. but i was still curious as to why that happened. 

i slowly got up, not bothering to take my chair, held onto the couch and objects as i passed and wobbled into the kitchen. 

inside i caught sight of beel. his bright orange hair was peaking up from underneath the counter. the youngest brother was cursing quietly, something i had hardly ever heard him do. 



he jumped hard, hitting his head and causing a glass to fall off the table. 

i tried to hold back a laugh and i wobbled over to him. 

he was hunched over, shirtless, a glass of milk had fallen off the table, a large plate of cookies on the opposite table behind him. i carefully evaded glass and set a hand on his shoulder. 

"s-sorry y/n! you scared the hell outta me." he muttered. 

his words were slightly slurred. he he the glass shards in one hand, and a small hand held dust pan in the other. 

"its alright beel, lemme get you a garbage bag real qu-"

as i turned i tripped over my own foot, and almost went sailing to the floor. beel was in front of me within a split second, arms outstretched and caught me as i fell into his stomach. 

"be careful!"

he seemed genuinely angry. i was more embarrassed out of anything. his arms wrapping tightly around me and he lifted me up, setting me on the counter before leaning down extremely close to my face. our noses were almost touching, and i could see his bright red cheeks and unfocused eyes. he looked at me sternly for a moment, which i had to try not to laugh at because he was so damn adorable. 

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