Tim Drake x Suicidal!Reader

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Imagine: You've been suffering from suicidal thoughts for the past 2 months. You feel like you can't take pain anymore and try commit suicide. You're Tim Drake's best friend.


Why is this world so cruel?

Why do I have to live like this?

Why do I feel like a failure and a loser? A disgrace?

When I was 5 years old, my mom walked out on me and my dad. My dad was in anger when he found out my mom left us. My dad couldn't afford the house we were staying at so we ended up moving in at one bedroom apartment. I sleep in the room while my dad takes the living room.

My dad is always at work trying to keep a roof over our heads, having food on our table, getting water, taking showers etc. As you can see, I've been teased at school like a thousand times. Every kid at school makes fun of me because of where I live at, how I look, and worse of it, my mom leaving me and my dad. Left me when I was a child.

Everyone at school makes fun of me for that. I don't want to say anything to my dad because my dad already has enough things to worry about.

I'm sitting in my room looking out the window and I feel so depress and lonely. Well not completely alone.

Tim Drake.

My best friend.

He was like the only person I get to talk to after school. The thing that's different between us is that he is the most popular guy in school just because he is the adoptive son to the billionaire, Bruce Wayne. Also the best at everything. He would even come to the fire escape by surprise and we would hang out, talk and mess around.

He always asks me how are things at home and I just feel that I can't talk about it. Too many things going on and I just feel that I can't live like this anymore.

I want to die. Today.

I felt tears coming down my face as I walk to the living and going over my dad's things trying to find his pocket knife. I found it. I flicked it open and I suddenly come face to the rope inside his bag.

I want to make it quick and I want to make it fast.

I'm sorry dad. I'm sorry I feel like a failure and the worst daughter.

I walk back to the room with a rope and the pocket knife in my hand. I tied the rope around the hook that's above the doorframe and leaving a noose. I got off the step stool and I pulled it a bit.

Yes, it's strong enough to do this.

I breathe in and out and I stared at the knife and shake my head.

"Today." I breathe out. "I'm sorry."

I step onto the stool and I put the noose around my neck. I breathe in and out. I want this. I'm done with all of this. Curse this world and everyone in it!

I step off the stool with both feet and I started choking from the tightness of the rope around my neck. I started seeing blurry and my feet dangling from below.

As soon as I felt my heart beat slowing down, I heard my window slammed opened.


Someone ran up to me and grabbed my body trying to buss the rope off from the hook above the doorframe. It wasn't budging. I felt the rope get cut off and I collapse into someone's arms. They quickly took the rope off my neck and I look up at who this person was.


"Y/n, what the hell! What's the meaning of this!" He said, pulling me closer to him. "Don't do that again."

I slowly started coughing and slowly starting to cry after.

"Why didn't you let me die? I'm tired of this life...I don't want to live or be like this anymore....I hate it." I whispered

"Because it's not worth it. It's not worth killing yourself, Y/n. What is killing yourself gonna show to other people that care and love you?" Tim replied, rubbing my arms with his hands.

"I'm tired!" I cried out, as tears begin pouring from my eyes as tears hit his shirt.

"Y/n, shhh." Tim gently said. "You're gonna be okay, alright? I'm here and I'm not leaving you like this."

I slowly started to calm down and I pulled myself closer to him.

"Don't do that ever again. Ever." Tim calmly said, brushing my hair with his fingers slowly.

"I just want things normal. I'm tired of this pain. I hate everything, Tim." I cried once again as Tim continues shhh me quietly.

"It's okay. I'm here. I always will be."

I smiled and I pulled him closer to me and held onto him.

"Thank you, Tim."

School is tiring. :(
My daily schedule at the moment for right now is crazy and hasn't gave me the time to update all my stories. I'll update as soon as I can.
Stay safe everyone!
Next Batboy, Dick Grayson.
~Alyssa 💙

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2021 ⏰

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