Damian Wayne x Gala!Reader

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Imagine: You and your family are rich and been invited to Wayne Manor for a charity event. When you are at the gala with your family, you meet Bruce Wayne's son, Damian Wayne.

I was sitting on my bed listening to music with my ear buds. I singing along with my favorite songs then I heard a knock on my door. I turn off the music and took off my ear buds and went to see who it was. It was my father holding an envelope.

"Oh, hey dad. What's up?" I said

"Guess what Y/N? We are gonna go to an event tonight, at Wayne Manor." He said in excitement. "We've been invited."

I looked at him confused and he gave me the envelope. It was an invitation to the Wayne Manor for a charity event, tonight. I squealed and I hugged my dad and he hugged me back.

"Alright Y/N, get ready for tonight. Okay?" He said pulling away from the hug

"Okay dad." I said

I squealed again and I started getting ready for tonight.

~Time Skip~

I was in the limo with my family, on our way to the Wayne Manor. I was wearing a F/C long sleeve dress that goes down to my ankles, red lipstick, some jewelry, and S/F/C heels.

The limo stopped and I looked out the window and I saw the Wayne Manor. There were people wearing tuxedos or dresses and drinking champagne. Me and my family got out of the limo and we started walking into the Wayne Manor. We were greeted by a butler name Alfred Pennyworth.

"Hello. You must be the L/Ns." Alfred said bowing to us.

"Indeed. You must be Alfred Pennyworth." My father said giving Alfred a handshake.

"I'm Y/D/N, and this my wife, Y/M/N, and my daughters, my youngest, Y/N, and my oldest, Y/S/N." My father introduced.

"Hello, nice to meet you." My mother said holding her hand out for a handshake from Alfred which he gladly accepted

"Nice to meet you, Miss Y/M/N." He said

Alfred looked at me and my oldest sister, Y/S/N.

"Hello Miss Y/N and Miss Y/S/N. Nice to meet you ladies." He said holding his hand out for a handshake and I gladly shook his hand.

"Nice to meet you too, Mr. Alfred." Y/S/N said

"Please. Just call me Alfred, Miss Y/S/N." He smiled

"Okay." My sister laughed and she looked around.

"Well, have a wonderful night, L/Ns." He said and walked away.

"Thank you, Alfred." My father said

He looked at me and Y/S/N.

"Okay girls, go ahead and have fun. I've heard Bruce Wayne has four sons, I think. So, you could go ahead and meet them. I'm pretty sure there somewhere around." My father said, looking around if he sees any of Bruce's sons. He looked back at us and smiled. "Have fun girls."

"Okay, dad." Me and Y/S/N said and we started walking away from mom and dad.

Y/S/N looked around and she saw a boy, wearing a tuxedo, holding a champagne in his hand, looking around. Y/S/N smile and patted my shoulder getting my attention.

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