Jason Todd x Abused!Reader

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Note: This one shot will have a little bit of abuse in it! Just a warning, anyway enjoy! :)

Imagine: You are best friends with Jason Todd and yes, you know he is the Red Hood. You have a boyfriend, his name is Kyle. He abuses you and you are hiding your scars from Jason.


I was sitting on the couch of mine and Kyle's penthouse. I was gulped when Kyle walks in the living room.

Kyle and I have been dating for a year, and this year has been nothing but scared, horrifying, and broken. Kyle started abusing me six months ago for no reason. Now, I feel so scared around him.

Kyle sits down next to me and I just froze. He wraps his arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer to him.

"What's wrong, Y/N? You seem quiet now." Kyle said, looking at me.

"Oh, n-nothing." I breathe out.

"Good, because I have a list of chores for you to do when I go grab us something to eat." He smiled at me.

'Yeah, something for you!' I thought

"Kyle, I'm tired-"

I get cut off by Kyle slapping me in the face. I gasped and I looked at Kyle with fear in my eyes. He grab my chin making me look at him.

"Y/N, we talk about this, you will do exactly what I say and what I say goes! Got it?" Kyle said, in a dark tone.

I felt a tear come down my cheek and I nodded. Kyle smiles.

"Perfect. Come on." Kyle said, grabbing my hair.

"Ow! Kyle!" I cried.

He dragged me to the kitchen and he pushed me to the ground. I cried and I looked up at Kyle.

"Now, here is a list." He said, grabbing a paper and throws the paper at me.

I looked at the paper and it has the list of all my 'chores'.

"I want all that done by the time I get back." He said

Kyle grabs my forearms and pulls me up, gripping me. I hissed and he just punched me in the gut.

"Shut up and start getting to work." Kyle snarled at me. "I'll be back, love."

Kyle kisses me on the lips and pushed me back and he walks away from me. He grabs his jacket and puts it on and he grabs his phone and keys and leaves the penthouse. Soon when I heard the door close, I cried and I sat down on the floor.

I heard my phone ring and I stiffed and I walked to my phone, checking who it was. It was Jason Todd.

The man that I always wanted to be with, the man that has always been there for me, even if I didn't want him to.

I smiled and I quickly answered it.

"Hello." I sigh, wiping my tears away.

"Hey, Y/N. I was wondering if I could stop by for a visit." He asked.

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