Tim Drake x Suicide&Pregnant!Reader

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Imagine: You were Red Robin's love interest. One night, a horrible tragedy happen and the love of your life died from saving another life. You discovered you were pregnant with his child and you are scared knowing Tim is dead and was gonna be a father to your child and you do something you want to regret.


I was at my penthouse, looking out in the window. I sigh while hearing all sirens and looking at the city.

Ever since Tim died two days ago, I have never been myself. Tim was the love of my life and now, he was gonna become a father. I'm two weeks pregnant with his child and I didn't even know about it. I'm so scared thinking who will take care of us. I still don't know how to defend myself.

I placed my hand on my stomach and I cried for Tim.

I need him, I miss him.

I walked to my bathroom and I opened the drawer and I pulled out a razor blade.

I didn't want to do this, this isn't what I have in mind to have a life this early. I'm gonna be a mother and he or she is gonna have a life without a father, just like how my life was without my parents.

I pointed the razor at my wrist and I cried, feeling more tears coming down my cheek.

Jason Todd POV

I walked towards Y/N's doorstep, to check on her. I knocked on her door waiting for her to open it.

"Y/N?" I called out her.

Her car was still here, the doorman from downstairs said Y/N is still here. So, Y/N is still home.

I waited for her to open the door but it didn't feel right.

"Y/N?" I called out for her again but louder.

I waited for a minutes unless she's not doing.....what she's doing....

I panicked a bit and I just barged through her door and I walked around trying to find her.

"Y/N!" I yelled for her.


I heard Jason calling my name, which made me panic and I just sliced my wrist, making a big cut on my wrist, drawing blood.

I hissed from the pain and I pointed the razor at my stomach. I cried again and I was about to stab my stomach, but my wrist was grabbed by Jason.

"Y/N, what the hell are you doing?" Jason yelled, grabbing the razor away from me.

"I-I...I..don't know." I cried, feeling more tears coming down from my eyes.

"Y/N, I know it's hard, but this is bullshit, you can't kill yourself just because Tim is dead." Jason said, putting the razor in his pockets.

"I'm pregnant." I spilled out.

"What?" Jason said, confused.

"I'm pregnant." I said, slowly.

Jason looked down at my stomach and he places his hand on my stomach and I bet he felt the baby kick because he quickly pulled his hand away. Jason looked me with shocked look on his face and I nodded.

"Is it Tim's?" Jason asked me.

I nodded and I put my hands on my face.

"What am I going to do?" I cried

"It's gonna be okay. I'm gonna call Dickhead and Bruce and tell them you are gonna be staying there at the Wayne Manor." Jason said, making me chuckle when he called Dick dickhead.

I removed my hands from my face and I looked at him and responded.

"Kay." I nodded.

"Alright." Jason said, pulling me into his embrace. "You and kid will be okay. Tim would have wanted you to be okay and move on."

"I miss him so much." I said, crying.

"I know. Your gonna be fine. I took your damn razor away from you so, just in case you don't kill yourself." Jason smirked

"Still sarcastic with your big mouth and now being nice to me." I joked

"Don't push it, N/N." Jason said, rolling his eyes.

I chuckled and I get up from the ground and Jason gets up as well.

"Alright, let's go. You're spending the night at the Wayne Manor." Jason said, nodding his head.

"Okay." I whispered and Jason took me to the Wayne Manor.

Tim will always be in my heart. I love him no matter what happens. Not even death could take that away from me. I just wish Tim is with me when our child is born.

'I love you, Timothy Jackson Drake.' I thought

Ugh! This one looks crappy tbh. But oh well. Hope you enjoyed it. Next Batboy, Tim Drake again.

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